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331 - 340 of 6789 publications
September 2023

Projekt BODDENHECHT erfolgreich abgeschlossen – Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen

Dominique Niessner; Robert Arlinghaus
Angeln in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - (2023)3, S. 16-17
September 2023

How genomics can help biodiversity conservation

Kathrin Theissinger; Carlos Fernandes; Giulio Formenti; Iliana Bista; Paul R. Berg; Christoph Bleidorn; Aureliano Bombarely; Angelica Crottini; Guido R. Gallo; José A. Godoy; Sissel Jentoft; Joanna Malukiewicz; Alice Mouton; Rebekah A. Oomen; Sadye Paez; Per J. Palsbøll; Christophe Pampoulie; María J. Ruiz-López; Simona Secomandi; Hannes Svardal; Constantina Theofanopoulou; Jan de Vries; Ann-Marie Waldvogel; Guojie Zhang; Erich D. Jarvis; Miklós Bálint; Claudio Ciofi; Robert M. Waterhouse; Camila J. Mazzoni; Jacob Höglund ... Michael T. Monaghan ...
Trends in Genetics. - 39(2023)7, S. 545-559

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