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1651 - 1660 of 6792 publications
January 2020

Internal pools and fluxes of phosphorus in dimictic lake Arendsee, Northeastern Germany

Michael Hupfer; Andreas Kleeberg; Jörg Lewandowski
Internal phosphorus loading in lakes : causes, case studies, and management / ed. by Alan D. Steinman ; Bryan M. Spears. - Plantation : J. Ross Publ., 2019. - ch. 9, S. 169-185
January 2020

Methods for measuring internal loading

Michael Hupfer; Kasper Reitzel; Björn Grüneberg
Internal phosphorus loading in lakes : causes, case studies, and management / ed. by Alan D. Steinman ; Bryan M. Spears. - Plantation : J. Ross Publ., 2019. - ch. 2, S. 15-44
January 2020

Vom Marmorkrebs und anderen Einwanderern

Jonathan Jeschke
Forschung : das Magazin der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. - (2019)4, S. 12-15

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