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1611 - 1620 of 6792 publications
January 2020

Living waters: a research agenda for the biodiversity of inland and coastal waters

Sonja C. Jähnig - lead author; Rita Adrian; Hans-Peter Grossart; Jörg Freyhof; Matthias Stöck; Franz Hölker; Jonathan Jeschke; Robert Arlinghaus; Mark Gessner; Martin Pusch; Daniel Hering ...; Peter Haase; Hans Jürgen Hahn ...; Dietrich Borchardt ...; Frank Suhling; Dietmar Staile ...; Thomas Berendonk ...; Jürgen Geist; Ursula Gaedke; Guntram Weithoff; Jörg Dutz ...; Judith Piontek; Marlene Pätzig; Steffen Pauls; Nike Sommerwerk
13 S.

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