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July 2021

A 180 Myr-old female-specific genome region in sturgeon reveals the oldest known vertebrate sex determining system with undifferentiated sex chromosomes

Heiner Kuhl; Yann Guiguen; Christin Höhne; Eva Kreuz; Kang Du; Christophe Klopp; Céline Lopez-Roques; Elena Santidrian Yebra-Pimentel; Mitica Ciorpac; Jörn Gessner; Daniela Holostenco; Wibke Kleiner; Klaus Kohlmann; Dunja K. Lamatsch; Dmitry Prokopov; Anastasia Bestin; Emmanuel Bonpunt; Bastien Debeuf; Pierrick Haffray; Romain Morvezen; Pierre Patrice; Radu Suciu; Ron Dirks; Sven Wuertz; Werner Kloas; Manfred Schartl; Matthias Stöck
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 376(2021)1832, 20200089

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