Soapbox Science setzt sich für mehr weibliche Vorbilder in der Wissenschaft ein. Das IGB ist stolzer Mitorganisator der Veranstaltungen in Berlin. Aktuelle Infos zu den Veranstaltungen in Berlin.
Truls Hansson, doctoral student in the Department of Experimental Limnology at IGB, has made a video on how the production of methane from lakes (‘farting’ lakes) might contribute to climate change.
Michael Thayne, doctoral student in the Department of Ecosystem Research at IGB, explains how lakes can have a natural resilience that helps their ecosystems to recover from the effects of climate change and other human pressures.
The video shows the field work of our working group “Ground water – surface water interactions” at the River Erpe in Berlin/Brandenburg (Germany). The scientists give a short introduction to field methods in the hyporheic zone that are frequently used by the group.
This video shows a column experiment simulating bank filtration to investigate the effects of benthic organisms (Nuttall's waterweed and Quagga mussels) on trace organic compounds.
IGB researcher Sonja Jähnig is a Falling Walls finalist in the category of life sciences. In her five-minute video she explains which wall her research is taking down: the wall of the silent freshwater biodiversity crisis.