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51 - 60 of 73 publications
  • Programme area:Aquatic Biodiversity in the Anthropocene
August 2021
Frontiers in Marine Science. - 8(2021), Art. 628469

Effects of food provisioning on the daily ration and dive site use of Great Hammerhead Sharks, Sphyrna mokarran

Vital Heim; Félicie Dhellemmes; Matthew J. Smukall; Samuel H. Gruber; Tristan L. Guttridge

The study provides insights into how large-bodied marine predators react toward wildlife tourism associated provisioning and allows further discussion about daily energy uptake during provisioning dives, its potential impacts on the ecological role of the target species and associated management measures. 

July 2021
BioScience. - 71(2021)7, 722–740

Viewing emerging human infectious epidemics through the lens of invasion biology

Montserrat Vilà; Alison M. Dunn; Franz Essl; Elena Gómez-Dìaz; Philip E. Hulme; Jonathan M. Jeschke; Martìn A. Núñez; Richard S. Ostfeld; Aníbal Pauchard; Anthony Ricciardi; Belinda Gallardo

A research team has studied the close relationships between infectious diseases and biological invasions. The "One Health" approach considers the health of humans as well as animals, plants and other elements of the environment to prevent pandemics and the spread of invasive alien species.

Platzhalter Publikations-Cover
June 2021
Environmental Reviews. - 29(2021)2, 119-141

Four priority areas to advance invasion science in the face of rapid environmental change

Anthony Ricciardi; Josephine C. Iacarella; David C. Aldridge; Tim M. Blackburn; James T. Carlton; Jane A. Catford; Jaimie T. A. Dick; Philip E. Hulme; Jonathan M. Jeschke; Andrew M. Liebhold; Julie L. Lockwood; Hugh J. MacIsaac; Laura A. Meyerson; Petr Pyšek; David M. Richardson; Gregory M. Ruiz; Daniel Simberloff; Montserrat Vilà; David A. Wardle

Invasion science is the systematic investigation of the causes and consequences of biological invasions. The authors identified four priority areas to advance the field in the Anthropocene: (1) predicting impacts of biological invasions, (2) understanding synergisms of multiple environmental stressors, (3) resolving the taxonomic impediment, and (4) enhancing international biosecurity.

June 2021
Molecular Ecology Resources. - 21(2021)5, 1422-1433

Improving the reliability of eDNA data interpretation

Alfred Burian; Quentin Mauvisseau; Mark Bulling; Sami Domisch; Song Qian; Michael Sweet

Molecular survey methods detecting DNA released by target-species into their environment (eDNA) provide cost-effective tools for conservation, yet such eDNA-based methods are prone to errors. The authors synthesized recent advances in data processing tools that increase the reliability of interpretations drawn from eDNA data.

May 2021
Environmental Microbiology Reports. - 13(2021)3, 337-347

Variation of bacterial communities along the vertical gradient in Lake Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan

Keilor Rojas-Jimenez; Alex Araya-Lobo; Fabio Quesada-Perez; Johana Akerman-Sanchez; Brayan Delgado-Duran; Lars Ganzert; Peter O. Zavialov; Salmor Alymkulov; Georgiy Kirillin; Hans-Peter Grossart

Diversity and community composition of bacteria along vertical gradients were studied in Lake Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan, the 6th deepest lake worldwide and the largest high-altitude lake. In the molecular assessment, the 16S rRNA gene analysis revealed significant changes in the composition, responding mainly to depth and salinity with Planctomycetes and Chloroflexi dominating in the deepest layers.

May 2021
Ecography. - 44(2021)5, 727-739

What factors increase the vulnerability of native birds to the impacts of alien birds?

Thomas Evans; Jonathan M. Jeschke; Chunlong Liu; David W. Redding; Çağan H. Şekercioğlu; Tim M. Blackburn

Alien birds can have severe impacts on native birds. The authors wanted to find out whether there are certain factors that make some native bird species more vulnerable to such impacts than others. They identified several factors that increase vulnerability, as well as specific orders of native birds that may require protection, and locations where impacts may be particularly damaging.

April 2021
Nature Communications. - 12(2021), Art. 2353

Distance to native climatic niche margins explains establishment success of alien mammals

Olivier Broennimann; Blaise Petitpierre; Mathieu Chevalier; Manuela González-Suárez; Jonathan M. Jeschke; Jonathan Rolland; Sarah M. Gray; Sven Bacher; Antoine Guisan

Using a dataset of 979 introductions of 173 mammal species worldwide, the authors investigated the hypothesis that the establishment success of alien species depends on the match between environmental conditions in the exotic and native range. The study results support this hypothesis. They are based on the Niche Margin Index, which is presented as a new analysis tool in the paper.

April 2021
BioScience. - 71(2021)4, 337-349

The Hierarchy-of-Hypotheses approach: a synthesis method for enhancing theory development in ecology and evolution

Tina Heger; Carlos A. Aguilar-Trigueros; Isabelle Bartram; Raul Rennó Braga; Gregory P. Dietl; Martin Enders; David J. Gibson; Lorena Gómez-Aparicio; Pierre Gras; Kurt Jax; Sophie Lokatis; Christopher J. Lortie; Anne-Christine Mupepele; Stefan Schindler; Jostein Starrfelt; Alexis D. Synodinos; Jonathan M. Jeschke

In the current era of Big Data, synthesis tools are critical means to handle the deluge of information. The hierarchy-of-hypotheses (HoH) approach is such a tool that helps to (a) organize evidence, (b) organize theory and (c) closely connect evidence to theory. In this paper, the authors outline the HoH approach and offer guidance on how to apply it, using examples from ecology and evolution.

April 2021
Conservation Biology. - 35(2021)2, 643-653

Combined effects of life‐history traits and human impact on extinction risk of freshwater megafauna

Fengzhi He; Simone D. Langhans; Christiane Zarfl; Roland Wanke; Klement Tockner; Sonja C. Jähnig

Freshwater megafauna are vulnerable to extinction, with over 50% of all classified species considered as threatened on the IUCN Red List. The authors found that human impact and traits related to species’ recovery potential including life span, age at maturity, and fecundity jointly determine their extinction risk. In addition, 17 out of 49 unclassified species were predicted to be threatened.

February 2021
Conservation Letters. - 14(2021)1, Art. e12771

Safeguarding freshwater life beyond 2020: recommendations for the new global biodiversity framework from the European experience

Charles B. van Rees; Kerry A. Waylen; Astrid Schmidt‐Kloiber; Stephen J. Thackeray; Gregor Kalinkat; Koen Martens; Sami Domisch; Ana I. Lillebø; Virgilio Hermoso; Hans‐Peter Grossart; Rafaela Schinegger; Kris Decleer; Tim Adriaens; Luc Denys; Ivan Jarić; Jan H. Janse; Michael T. Monaghan; Aaike De Wever; Ilse Geijzendorffer; Mihai C. Adamescu; Sonja C. Jähnig

The year 2020 marked the end of the "UN Decade of Biodiversity". However, the final UN report showed that none of the 20 Aichi-Biodiversity Targets, agreed in 2010, have been achieved. Recognizing the perilous state of freshwater biodiversity, a research team led by IGB has issued 14 recommendations for political follow-up agreements on the protection of biological diversity.

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