
Sonja Jähnig joins the Excellence Portal AcademiaNet

Photo: David Ausserhofer

Dr. Sonja Jähnig, leader of the IGB research group Global Change Effects on River Ecosystems, is a newly appointed member of the excellence database AcademiaNet. The Leibniz Association nominated her for her innovative research on the global change effects in river ecosystems, river health and freshwater conservation.

The excellence portal AcademiaNet was established to strengthen the visibility and presence of women in scientific networks, which are so far often male dominated. The access to numerous profiles of excellent female scientists from various disciplines will make it easier to fill leadership positions and scientific bodies with women academics. 40 renowned research institutes, including the Leibniz Association, can nominate outstanding women scientists for the excellence portal. A steering committee then decides on the admission.

Contact person

Sonja Jähnig

Head of Department
Research group
Aquatic Ecogeography

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