Angelina Tittmann

Season’s start for the monitoring station on Lake Müggelsee

Since the beginning of this week, the Müggelsee monitoring station is anchored on the lake again. | Photo: Andreas Mühlbradt

After a two-month winter break, IGB’s monitoring station on Lake Müggelsee resumes its work. With joint forces the technicians Thomas Hintze, Jürgen Schreiber, Simone Frenzel and Daniel Langenhaun brought the station back to its place 300 metres off shore. “In the coming days, we will carry out tests at the measuring sensor”, said Thomas Hintze. “During next week, the station will start to regularly measure meteorological, physical and biological variables.” In order to protect the station from freezing it had been made winterproof in January.

Further information about the monitoring station.

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