Robert Arlinghaus
Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin
Fisheries Ecology, Evolution and Management
Social-Ecological Recreational Fisheries Science
Fish Behavioural Ecology
Human Dimensions and Bioeconomics of Recreational Fisheries
Inter- and Transdisciplinary Inland Fisheries Science
for Integrative Fisheries Management at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Life Sciences, Thaer-Institute
2013 W-2-S Professor for Integrative Fisheries Management at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and IGB
2013 Sabbatical, University of Florida, USA (Mike Allen, Carl Walters, Kai Lorenzen)
2009 Guest Scientist University of Illinois, USA (David Philipp, Cory Suski)
2006 - 2012 Junior-W-1-S-Professor for Inland Fisheries Management at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and IGB
2006 Guest Scientist Carleton University, Canada (Steven Cooke)
2004 - 2006 Post-Doc Recreational Fisheries Science at IGB
2004 Guest Scientist IIASA, Österreich (Ulf Dieckmann)
2000 - 2003 Doctoral Studies on Human Dimensions of Recreational Fisheries at IGB
2022: Circle U. Prize of 9 research heavy European Universities for interdisciplinary research
2020: Communicator Award by DFG and Stifterverband
2018 & 2020: Award UN Decade of Biodiversity
2018: Award of Excellence in Public Outreach by American Fisheries Society
2016: Cultura-Prize by Alfred Töpfer Foundation for exceptional contributions to sustainable land use
2014: Award by German UNESCO Commission for outstanding project on Education for Sustainable Development
2012: Medal by FSBI for a young scientist < 40 for exceptional advancements in fish science
2008: Award of Excellence in Fisheries Management, American Fisheries Society, Fisheries Management Section
2007: Elected into the Young Elite of 40 young researchers younger than 40 in Germany by Capital
2006: Teaching Award by the Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture
2006: Dream-Team of German Young Scientists (Stifterverband and Bild der Wissenschaft)
2005: Nomination for René Descartes Award in Science Communication by the EU
2004: Leibniz-Young Researcher Award for outstanding doctoral thesis
2004: Albrecht-Daniel-Thaer Dissertation Award
2004: Bscher-Media Award for excellence in popular science communication
2003: „Writer of the Year“ by 1000 readers of the angling magazine „Carp Connect“
2001: Humboldt-Award for outstanding master thesis
2001: Award by VDFF for master thesis “particularly beneficial for German fisheries”
2001: Award by Ministry for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Planning of Brandenburg for outstanding masters thesis
March 2025
Abigail S. Golden; William N. S. Arlidge; Chelsey Crandall; Elias Ehrlich; Lotte van den Heuve; Thomas Klefoth; Sophia Kochalski; Kai Lorenzen; Valerio Sbragaglia; Christian Skov; Paul Venturelli; Robert Arlinghaus; Samuel Shephard
What Is(n’t) Environmental Stewardship? Eliciting Unspoken Assumptions Using Fisheries as a Model
Conservation Letters. - 18(2025)2, Art. e13083
March 2025
Steven J. Cooke; Sascha C. Danylchuk; Sean R. Tracey; Robert Arlinghaus; Robert J. Lennox; Jacob W. Brownscombe; Adam Weir; Scott G. Hinch; David A. Patterson; Meaghan L. Guckian; Andy J. Danylchuk
January 2025
W.-C. Lewin; M.E. Pierce; R. Arlinghaus; M.S. Weltersbach; H.V. Strehlow
Stakeholder workshops on western Baltic cod fisheries–conflict and consensus in the face of a highly dynamic ecosystem
Biological Conservation. - 302(2025), Art. 110983
January 2025
Dieter Koemle; Sean Pascoe; Marc Simon Weltersbach; Birgit Gasslere; Robert Arlinghaus
How quota cuts, recreational fishing, and predator conservation can shape coastal commercial fishery efforts
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.- 82(2025), S. 1–20.
January 2025
Robert Arlinghaus
Vergnügliches Scheitern
Blinker. - 09(2024), S. 40-45
January 2025
Von Marlon Brauch; Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus
Durch die Augen eines Räubers
Blinker. - 07(2024), S. 25-31
January 2025
Kristina Barz; Harry V. Strehlow; Robert Arlinghaus; Artem Korzhenevych; Stefan Meyer; Christopher Zimmermann
Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Kabeljaus oder Dorsches
Der Dorsch oder Kabeljau (Gadus morhua) / Hrsg.: Kristina Barz ; Harry V.Strehlow ; Robert Arlinghaus ; ArtemKorzhenevych ; Stefan Meyer ; Christopher Zimmermann. - Berlin : Deutscher Angelfischerverband e.V., 2024. - S. 17-21
January 2025
Harry V Strehlow; M Simon Weltersbach; Wolf-Christian Lewin; Robert Arlinghaus; Oliver Becker; Julia Bronnman
Angeln auf Dorsch
Der Dorsch oder Kabeljau (Gadus morhua) / Hrsg.: Harry V Strehlow ; M Simon Weltersbach ; Wolf-Christian Lewin ; Robert Arlinghaus ; Oliver Becker ; Julia Bronnman. - Berlin : Deutscher Angelfischerverband e.V., 2024. - S. 71-80
December 2024
Steven J. Cooke; Andy J. Danylchuk; Joel Zhang; Vivan M. Nguyen; Len M. Hunt; Robert Arlinghaus; Kathryn J. Fiorella; Hing Man Chan; Tony L. Goldberg
A One Health perspective on recreational fisheries
Facets. 9(2024)1, 1-9.
December 2024
Fabio Grati; Kieran Hyder; Estanis Mugerza; Robert Arlinghaus; Jerome Baudrier; Brigid Bell; Luca Bolognini; Annica I. De Groote; Hugo Diogo; Kevin Haase; Pablo Pita; Warren Potts; Zachary Radford; Amelie Regimbart; Martina Scanu; Christian Skov; Didzis Ustups; Thomas Verleye; Jon Helge Vølstad; Marc Simon Weltersbach; Harry V. Strehlow
Effective governance of marine recreational fisheries in Europe is needed to maximize the societal benefits of its fisheries
ICES Journal of Marine Science. - XX(2024)XX, Art. fsae169
December 2024
Phillip Roser; Johannes Radinger; Fritz Feldhege; Marlon Braun; Robert Arlinghaus
Getting Scarce and Lure Shy: Impacts of Recreational Fishing on Coastal Northern Pike (Esox lucius) Abundance, Size Structure and Vulnerability to Angling
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - XX(2024)X, Art. e12769
November 2024
Aytaç Özgül; Kim Birnie-Gauvin; David Abecasis; Josep Alós; Kim Aarestrup; Jan Reubens; Jon Bolland; Altan Lök; Jena E. Edwards; Polona Pengal; Marie Prchalová; Milan Říha; Renanel Pickholtz; Knut Wiik Vollset; Pedro Afonso; Jan Grimsrud Davidsen; Robert Arlinghaus; Vahdet Ünal; Robert J. Lennox
Tracking aquatic animals for fisheries management in European waters
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 31(2024)5, e12706
October 2024
Timo D. Rittweg; Clive Trueman; Michael Wiedenbeck; Jan Fietzke; Christian Wolter; Lauren Talluto; Stefan Dennenmoser; Arne Nolte; Robert Arlinghaus
September 2024
Olga Lukyanova; Félicie Dhellemmes; Stefan Dennenmoser; Arne W. Nolte; Robert Arlinghaus
September 2024
Samuel Shephard; Erica von Essen; Thorsten Gieser; Charles J. List; Robert Arlinghaus
Recreational killing of wild animals can foster environmental stewardship
Nature Sustainability. - 7(2024), 956–963
September 2024
Robert Arlinghaus
Catch uncertainty and recreational fishing attraction: Propositions and future research directions
Fish and Fisheries. - 25(2024)5, 761–780
September 2024
Tamal Roy; Alexander Kotrschal; Robert Arlinghaus
Evolutionary changes in cognition due to fisheries mortality?
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 39(2024)9, 797-799
June 2024
Martina Martorell-Barceló; Eneko Aspillaga; Margarida Barcelo-Serra; Robert Arlinghaus; Josep Alós
Circadian-related behavioural types in free-living marine fish revealed by high-throughput telemetry
Animal Behaviour. - 210(2024), 255-274
June 2024
Sven Matern, Johannes Radinger, Thomas Klefoth, Christian Wolter, Robert Arlinghaus
Replicated whole-lake experiment reveals the ineffectiveness of stocking five example fish species in small lakes
Fisheries Management and Ecology. -XX(2024)XX, XX
June 2024
Steven J. Cooke; Robert Arlinghaus
Learning, thinking, sharing, and working across boundaries in fisheries science
ICES Journal of Marine Science. - 81(2024)4, 665-675
June 2024
Diana Perry; Zachary A. Siders; Chelsey Crandall; Nia Morales; Robert Arlinghaus; Kai Lorenzen; Edward Camp
Psychological commitment of freshwater anglers and its relation to their preferences for stocking and other management actions
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 81(2024)6, 768-780
May 2024
Robert Arlinghaus
Zukunft von Berufsfischerei, Angelfischerei, Aquakultur und Fischartenschutz in Deutschland
Zeitschrift für Fischerei. - 3(2023), Art. 14, 1-3
May 2024
Abigail J. Lynch; Holly S. Embke; Elizabeth A. Nyboer; Louisa E. Wood; Andy Thorpe; Sui C. Phang; Daniel F. Viana; Christopher D. Golden; Marco Milardi; Robert Arlinghaus; Claudio Baigun; T. Douglas Beard Jr.; Steven J. Cooke; Ian G. Cowx; John D. Koehn; Roman Lyach; Warren Potts; Ashley M. Robertson; Josef Schmidhuber; Olaf L. F. Weyl
May 2024
Malwina Schafft; Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus
Ökologische Auswirkung von Freizeitaktivitäten an Gewässern - eine globale Metaanalyse
KW Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft. - 17(2024)4, 252-258
March 2024
Robert J. Lennox; Pedro Afonso; Kim Birnie-Gauvin; Lotte S. Dahlmo; Cecilie I. Nilsen; Robert Arlinghaus; Steven J. Cooke; Allan T. Souza; Ivan Jarić; Marie Prchalová; Milan Říha; Samuel Westrelin; William Twardek; Eneko Aspillaga; Sebastian Kraft; Marek Šmejkal; Henrik Baktoft; Tomas Brodin; Gustav Hellström; David Villegas-Ríos; Knut Wiik Vollset; Timo Adam; Lene K. Sortland; Michael G. Bertram; Marcelo Crossa; Emma F. Vogel; Natasha Gillies; Jan Reubens
Electronic tagging and tracking aquatic animals to understand a world increasingly shaped by a changing climate and extreme weather events
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 81(2024)3, 326-339
February 2024
Malwina Schafft; Robert Nikolaus; Sven Matern; Johannes Radinger; Andreas Maday; Thomas Klefoth; Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus
Impact of water-based recreation on aquatic and riparian biodiversity of small lakes
Journal for Nature Conservation. - 78(2024), Art. 126545
November 2023
Dieter Koemle; Birgit Gassler; Gerard Kyle; Jürgen Meyerhoff; Robert Arlinghaus
How involvement drives decision rules behind stated preferences for recreational-fisheries management
Journal of Environmental Management. - 349(2024), Art. 119604
January 2025
Sven Matern; Thomas Klefoth; Christian Wolter; Andreas Hussner; Janek Simon; Robert Arlinghaus
Fischgemeinschaften kleiner Seen: Einfluss der Seeentstehung und fischereilichen Bewirtschaftung
Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt XXI / Hrsg.: Sven Matern ; Thomas Klefoth ; Christian Wolter ; Andreas Hussner ; Janek Simon ; Robert Arlinghaus. - Berlin : Bundesamt für Naturschutz, 2023. - S. 92-95
February 2024
Jürgen Meyerhoff; Thomas Kelfoth; Robert Arlinghaus
Abwägungen der Nutzen und Kosten von Lebensraumaufwertungen an Baggerseen: [Kapitel 9]
Biodiversität, Angeln und Gesellschaft/Hrsg.: Robert Arlinghaus ; Thomas Klefoth ; Sven Matern ; Johannes Radinger ; Robert Nikolaus ; Jürgen Meyerhoff ; Malwina Schafft ; Eva-Maria Cyrus ; Matthias Emmrich ; Daniel Hering ; Christian Wolter; 2023, S. 382-398
February 2024
Matthias Emmrich; Sven Matern; Thomas Klefoth; Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus
Einführung in das Ökosystem Baggersee: [Kapitel 2]
Biodiversität, Angeln und Gesellschaft/Hrsg.: Robert Arlinghaus ; Thomas Klefoth ; Sven Matern ; Johannes Radinger ; Robert Nikolaus ; Jürgen Meyerhoff ; Malwina Schafft ; Eva-Maria Cyrus ; Matthias Emmrich ; Daniel Hering ; Christian Wolter; 2023, S. 34-51
February 2024
Robert Nikolaus; Sven Matern; Malwina Schafft; Alessandro Manfrin; Daniel Hering; Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus
Biodiversitätsausstattung von Baggerseen: [Kapitel 5]
Biodiversität, Angeln und Gesellschaft/Hrsg.: Robert Arlinghaus ; Thomas Klefoth ; Sven Matern ; Johannes Radinger ; Robert Nikolaus ; Jürgen Meyerhoff ; Malwina Schafft ; Eva-Maria Cyrus ; Matthias Emmrich ; Daniel Hering ; Christian Wolter; 2023, S. 87-112
February 2024
Jürgen Meyerhoff; Thomas Klefoth; Matthias Emmrich; Robert Arlinghaus
Nutzung und angelfischereiliches Management von Baggerseen aus Sicht von Anglerinnen und Anglern sowie der Bevölkerung: [Kapitel 6]
Biodiversität, Angeln und Gesellschaft/Hrsg.: Robert Arlinghaus ; Thomas Klefoth ; Sven Matern ; Johannes Radinger ; Robert Nikolaus ; Jürgen Meyerhoff ; Malwina Schafft ; Eva-Maria Cyrus ; Matthias Emmrich ; Daniel Hering ; Christian Wolter; 2023, S. 113-178
February 2024
Sven Matern; Robert Nikolaus; Malwina Schafft; Thomas Klefoth; Rachel Fricke; Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus
Einfluss der anglerischen Bewirtschaftung und des Angelns auf die Biodiversität an Baggerseen: [Kapitel 7]
Biodiversität, Angeln und Gesellschaft/Hrsg.: Robert Arlinghaus ; Thomas Klefoth ; Sven Matern ; Johannes Radinger ; Robert Nikolaus ; Jürgen Meyerhoff ; Malwina Schafft ; Eva-Maria Cyrus ; Matthias Emmrich ; Daniel Hering ; Christian Wolter; 2023, S. 179-213
February 2024
Sven Matern; Johannes Radinger; Thomas Klefoth; Robert Nikolaus; Daniel Hering; Alessandro Manfrin; Leander Höhne; Charlotte Robichon; Andreas Maday; Ole Theis; Ashley Trudeau; Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus
Förderung der Biodiversität an Baggerseen durch Lebensraummanagement und Besatz: [Kapitel 8]
Biodiversität, Angeln und Gesellschaft/Hrsg.: Robert Arlinghaus ; Thomas Klefoth ; Sven Matern ; Johannes Radinger ; Robert Nikolaus ; Jürgen Meyerhoff ; Malwina Schafft ; Eva-Maria Cyrus ; Matthias Emmrich ; Daniel Hering ; Christian Wolter; 2023, S. 214-381
February 2024
Jürgen Meyerhoff; Thomas Klefoth; Robert Arlinghaus
Planung und Kommunikation bei der Durchführung von lebensraumaufwertenden Maßnahmen an Baggerseen: [Kapitel 10]
Biodiversität, Angeln und Gesellschaft/Hrsg.: Robert Arlinghaus ; Thomas Klefoth ; Sven Matern ; Johannes Radinger ; Robert Nikolaus ; Jürgen Meyerhoff ; Malwina Schafft ; Eva-Maria Cyrus ; Matthias Emmrich ; Daniel Hering ; Christian Wolter; 2023, S. 382-398
February 2024
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Klefoth; Sven Matern; Johannes Radinger; Robert Nikolaus; Christian Wolter
Synthese: Harmonisierung von Schutz und Nutzung durch Angeln am Baggersee: [Kapitel 11]
Biodiversität, Angeln und Gesellschaft/Hrsg.: Robert Arlinghaus ; Thomas Klefoth ; Sven Matern ; Johannes Radinger ; Robert Nikolaus ; Jürgen Meyerhoff ; Malwina Schafft ; Eva-Maria Cyrus ; Matthias Emmrich ; Daniel Hering ; Christian Wolter; 2023, S. 422-436
February 2024
Hans-Hermann Arzbach; Thomas Klefoth; Robert Arlinghaus
Rechtlicher Rahmen von Lebensraumaufwertungen, Schutzgebietsmanagement und Besatz im Rahmen der fischereilichen Hege: [Kapitel 3]
Biodiversität, Angeln und Gesellschaft/Hrsg.: Robert Arlinghaus ; Thomas Klefoth ; Sven Matern ; Johannes Radinger ; Robert Nikolaus ; Jürgen Meyerhoff ; Malwina Schafft ; Eva-Maria Cyrus ; Matthias Emmrich ; Daniel Hering ; Christian Wolter; 2023, S. 52-57
January 2024
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Klefoth
Einleitung: Baggerseen und Angelfischerei: [Kapitel 1]
Biodiversität, Angeln und Gesellschaft/Hrsg.: Robert Arlinghaus ; Thomas Klefoth ; Sven Matern ; Johannes Radinger ; Robert Nikolaus ; Jürgen Meyerhoff ; Malwina Schafft ; Eva-Maria Cyrus ; Matthias Emmrich ; Daniel Hering ; Christian Wolter; 2023, S. 23-33
January 2024
Elias Ehrlich; Dominique Niessner; Robert Arlinghaus
January 2024
Robert Arlinghaus
Es geht um etwas
Forschung & Lehre. - 12(2023)
January 2024
Robert Arlinghaus
Mehr als nur Fische fangen
Blinker. - 03(2023), S. 69-75.
January 2024
Robert Arlinghaus; Marlon Braun; Félicie Dhellemmes; Elias Ehrlich; Fritz H. Feldhege; Dieter Koemle; Dominique Niessner; Jonas Palder; Johannes Radinger; Carsten Riepe; Timo Rittweg; Phillip Roser; Helmut Winkler
January 2024
Thomas Klefoth; Matthias Emmrich; Marlon Braun; Andreas Maday; Leander Höhne; Robert Arlinghaus
Biologische und fischereiliche Aspekte zum Flussbarsch (Perca fluviatilis) sowie Praxistipps für die Bewirtschaftung
Der Flussbarsch (Perca fluviatilis) : Fisch des Jahres 2023 / Deutscher Angelfischerverband. - Offenbach am Main, 2023. - S. 75-89
November 2023
Harry V. Strehlow; Artem Korzhenevych; Jorrit Lucas; Wolf-Christian Lewin; Marc Simon Weltersbach; Carsten Riepe; Robert Arlinghaus
Economic impact of resident and nonresident marine anglers to the local economy in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany
Fisheries Management and Ecology. -XX(2023)XX, XX
November 2023
Martina Martorell‑Barceló; Marco Signaroli; Margarida Barcelo‑Serra; Arancha Lana; Eneko Aspillaga; Amalia Grau; Robert Arlinghaus; Josep Alós
Chronotypes‑personality behavioural syndromes in wild marine fish
Scientific Reports. - 13(2023), Art. 20281
November 2023
Jens Olsson; Matilda L. Andersson; Ulf Bergström; Robert Arlinghaus; Asta Audzijonyte; Soren Berg; Laura Briekmane; Justas Dainys; Henrik Dalby Ravn; Jan Droll; Łukasz Dziemian; Dariusz P. Fey; Rob van Gemert; Martyna Greszkiewicz; Adam Grochowski; Egle Jakubavičiūtė; Linas Lozys; Adam M. Lejk; Noora Mustamäki; Rahmat Naddafi; Mikko Olin; Lauri Saks; Christian Skov; Szymon Smoliński; Roland Svirgsden; Joni Tiainen; Örjan Östman
A pan-Baltic assessment of temporal trends in coastal pike populations
Fisheries Research. - 260(2023), Art. 106594
October 2023
Benjamin K. Diggles; Robert Arlinghaus; Howard I. Browman; Steven J. Cooke; Robin L. Cooper; Ian G. Cowx; Charles D. Derby; Stuart W. Derbyshire; Paul JB Hart; Brian Jones; Alexander O. Kasumyan; Brian Key; Julian G. Pepperell; D Christopher Rogers; James D. Rose; Alex Schwab; Anne B. Skiftesvik; Don Stevens; Jeffrey D. Shields; Craig Watson
Reasons to Be Skeptical about Sentience and Pain in Fishes and Aquatic Invertebrates
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture. - 32(2024)1, 127-150
October 2023
Ivan Jarić; Robert J. Lennox; Marie Prchalová; Christopher T. Monk; Milan Říha; Ran Nathan; Robert Arlinghaus
The power and promise of interdisciplinary international research networks to advance movement ecology
Movement Ecology. - 11(2023), Art. 67
October 2023
Robert Arlinghaus; Dieter Koemle; Carsten Riepe; Dominique Niessner
October 2023
Robert J. Lennox; Kim Aarestrup; Josep Alós; Robert Arlinghaus; Eneko Aspillaga; Michael G. Bertram; Kim Birnie-Gauvin; Tomas Brodin; Steven J. Cooke; Lotte S. Dahlmo; Félicie Dhellemmes; Karl Ø. Gjelland; Gustav Hellström; Henry Hershey; Christopher Holbrook; Thomas Klefoth; Susan Lowerre-Barbieri; Christopher T. Monk; Cecilie Iden Nilsen; Ine Pauwels; Renanel Pickholtz; Marie Prchalová; Jan Reubens; Milan Říha; David Villegas-Ríos; Knut Wiik Vollset; Samuel Westrelin; Henrik Baktoft
Positioning aquatic animals with acoustic transmitters
Methods in Ecology and Evolution. - 14(2023)10, S. 2514-2530
October 2023
Timo D. Rittweg; Clive Trueman; Elias Ehrlich; Michael Wiedenbeck; Robert Arlinghaus
Corroborating otolith age using oxygen isotopes and comparing outcomes to scale age: consequences for estimation of growth and reference points in northern pike (Esox lucius)
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 31(2024)1, e12646
October 2023
Valerio Sbragaglia; Robert Arlinghaus; Daniel T. Blumstein; Hugo Diogo; Vinicius J. Giglio; Ana Gordoa; Fraser Andrew; Januchowski‑Hartley; Martín Laporta; Steven J. Lindfield; Josep Lloret; Bruce Mann; Daryl McPhee; José A. C. C. Nunes; Pablo Pita; Mafalda Rangel; O. Kennedy Rhoades; Leonardo A. Venerus; Sebastián Villasante
A global review of marine recreational spearfishing
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. - 33(2023), 1199–1222
September 2023
Len M. Hunt; Robert Arlinghaus; David Scott; Gerard Kyle
Diversity of Anglers: Drivers and Implications for Fisheries Management: [Chapter 5]
Angler Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation: The Future of Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation/Hrsg.: J. Wesley Neal ; Thomas J. Lang ; Rebecca M. Krogman ; Ken Kurzawski ; Kevin M. Hunt ; John Taylor ; 2023
September 2023
Robert Arlinghaus; Øystein Aas; Josep Alós; Ivan Arismendi; Shannon Bower; Steven Carle; Tomasz Czarkowski; Kátia M. F. Freire; John Hu; Len M. Hunt; Roman Lyach; Andrzej Kapusta; Pekka Salmi; Alexander Schwab; Jun-ichi Tsuboi; Marek Trella; Daryl McPhee; Warren Potts; Arkadiusz Wołos; Zi-jiang Yang
Global Participation and Attitudes toward Recreational Fishing: [Chapter 2]
Angler Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation: The Future of Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation/Hrsg.: J. Wesley Neal ; Thomas J. Lang ; Rebecca M. Krogman ; Ken Kurzawski ; Kevin M. Hunt ; John Taylor ; 2023
September 2023
S. Matern; C. Robichon; R. Nikolaus; C. T. Monk; R. Arlinghaus
Environmental determinants of coarse woody habitat in gravel pit lakes
Lake and reservoir management. - 39(2023)3, S. 259-272
September 2023
Christopher T. Monk; Ulf Aslak; Dirk Brockmann; Robert Arlinghaus
Rhythm of relationships in a social fish over the course of a full year in the wild
Movement Ecology. - 11(2023), Art. 56
September 2023
Daniel Hühn; Daniel C. Gwinn; Stephanie L. Shaw; Josep Alós; Micheal S. Allen; Thilo Pagel; Christian Skov; Robert Arlinghaus
September 2023
Dominique Niessner; Robert Arlinghaus
Projekt BODDENHECHT erfolgreich abgeschlossen – Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen
Angeln in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - (2023)3, S. 16-17
September 2023
Sven Matern; Robert Nikolaus; Malwina Schafft; Thomas Klefoth; Matthias Emmrich; Andreas Maday; Steffen Bader; Christian Wolter; Daniel Hering; Alessandro Manfrin; Robert Arlinghaus
Metadata for biodiversity data of gravel pit lakes in Northern Germany
September 2023
William N.S. Arlidge; Robert Arlinghaus; Ralf H.J.M. Kurvers; Anne Nassauer; Rodrigo Oyanedel; Jens Krause
Situational social influence leading to non-compliance with conservation rules
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 38(2023)12, 1154-1164
August 2023
Ashley Trudeau; Thomas Mehner : Thomas Klefoth; Sven Matern; Robert Nikolaus; Robert Arlinghaus
Lake depth alters the trajectory of ontogenetic niche shifts in Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) in small lakes
Ecology of Freshwater Fish. - 33(2024)1, e12738
August 2023
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Klefoth; Sven Matern; Johannes Radinger; Robert Nikolaus; Jürgen Meyerhoff; Malwina Schafft; Eva-Maria Cyrus; Matthias Emmrich; Daniel Hering; Christian Wolter
July 2023
Paul Castagné; Ivan Paz-Vinas; Stéphanie Boulêtreau; Jessica Ferriol; Géraldine Loot; Charlotte Veyssière; Robert Arlinghaus; Robert Britton; Marlène Chiarello; Emili García-Berthou; Pavel Horký; Delphine Nicolas; Annamaria Nocita; Oscar Nordahl; Michaël Ovidio; Filipe Ribeiro; Ondřej Slavík; Chloé Vagnon; Simon Blanchet; Frédéric Santoul
Patterns of genetic variation in native and non‑native populations of European catfish Silurus glanis across Europe
Biodiversity and Conservation. - 32(2023), 2127–2147
June 2023
Elias Ehrlich; Dominique Niessner; Robert Arlinghaus
June 2023
J. Robert Britton; Adrian C. Pinder; Josep Alós; Robert Arlinghaus; Andy J. Danylchuk; Wendy Edwards; Kátia M. F. Freire; Casper Gundelund; Kieran Hyder; Ivan Jarić; Robert Lennox; Wolf‑Christian Lewin; Abigail J. Lynch; Stephen R. Midway; Warren M. Potts; Karina L. Ryan; Christian Skov; Harry V. Strehlow; Sean R. Tracey; Jun‑ichi Tsuboi; Paul A. Venturelli; Jessica L. Weir; Marc Simon Weltersbach; Steven J. Cooke
Global responses to the COVID-19 pandemic by recreational anglers: considerations for developing more resilient and sustainable fisheries
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. - 33(2023), 1095–1111
June 2023
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Klefoth; Sven Matern; Johannes Radinger; Robert Nikolaus; Jürgen Meyerhoff; Malwina Schafft; Eva-Maria Cyrus; Matthias Emmrich; Daniel Hering; Christian Wolter
June 2023
Tamal Roy; Tabea Rohr; Robert Arlinghaus
Size-selective harvesting impacts learning and decision-making in zebrafish, Danio rerio
Behavioral Ecology. - 34(2023)4, 682–694
June 2023
Thomas Klefoth; Johannes Radinger; Eva-Maria Cyrus; Robert Nikolaus; Sven Matern; Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus
Aufwertung von Uferstrukturen an Baggerseen: Anglerinnen und Angler können Artenvielfalt fördern: Projekt BAGGERSEE: Naturschutz und Naturnutzung in Einklang bringen
Mitteilungen aus der Naturschutzakademie. - 34(2023)1, 29-37
May 2023
Thomas Klefoth; Matthias Emmrich; Marlon Braun; Andreas Maday; Leander Höhne; Robert Arlinghaus
Biologische und fischereiliche Aspekte zum Flussbarsch (Perca fluviatilis) sowie Praxistipps für die Bewirtschaftung
Der Flussbarsch (Perca fluviatilis) : Fisch des Jahres 2023 / Deutscher Angelfischerverband. - Berlin, 2023. - S. 75-101
May 2023
Wolf-Christian Lewin; Marc Simon Weltersbach; Kevin Haase; Robert Arlinghaus; Harry V. Strehlow
Change points in marine recreational fisheries – The impact of stock status and fisheries regulations: a case from the western Baltic Sea
Fisheries Research. - 258(2023), Art. 106548
April 2023
Phillip Roser; Félicie Dhellemmes; Timo Rittweg; Sören Möller; Helmut Winkler; Olga Lukyanova; Dominique Niessner; Jörg Schütt; Carsten Kühn; Stefan Dennenmoser; Arne W. Nolte; Johannes Radinger; Dieter Koemle; Robert Arlinghaus
April 2023
Robert Arlinghaus; Timo Rittweg; Félicie Dhellemmes; Dieter Koemle; Rob van Gemert; Hendrik Schubert; Dominique Niessner; Sören Möller; Jan Droll; René Friedland; Wolf-Christian Lewin; Malte Dorow; Linda Westphal; Elias Ehrlich; Harry V. Strehlow; Marc Simon Weltersbach; Phillip Roser; Marlon Braun; Fritz Feldhege; Helmut Winkler
April 2023
Catherine Slaton; Dieter Koemle; Max Birdsong; Robert Arlinghaus
April 2023
Elias Ehrlich; Alistair J. Bath; Dominique Niessner; Dieter Koemle; Eva-Maria Cyrus; Robert Arlinghaus
Co-designing management recommendations with stakeholders: a case study about northern pike (Esox lucius) in the southern Baltic Sea
Fisheries Research. - 263(2023), Art. 106687
April 2023
Robert Arlinghaus; Dieter Kömle; Dominique Niessner
Veränderung von Fischbeständen und Umweltfaktoren an den inneren Küstengewässern („Bodden“) Mecklenburg- Vorpommerns aus Sicht von Berufsfischern und Anglern
Fischerei & Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 1(2023), 38-42
March 2023
A. Maday; S. Matern; C. T. Monk; T. Klefoth; C. Wolter; R. Arlinghaus
March 2023
Dieter Koemle; Thang Dao Nguyen; Xiaohua Yu; Robert Arlinghaus
Subsidies, Temporary Laying-Up, and Efficiency in a Coastal Commercial Fishery
Marine Resource Economics. - 38(2022)2, 154-179
March 2023
Colm J. Fitzgerald; Jan S. Droll; Samuel Shephard; Christopher T. Monk; Timo Rittweg; Robert Arlinghaus
March 2023
Gary Carvalho; Robert Arlinghaus; Bronwyn Gillanders; Anna Kuparinen
Re-launch of Fish and Fisheries Special Issues and call for proposals
Fish and Fisheries. - 24(2023)2, S. 197-197
March 2023
Dominique Niessner; Félicie Dhellemmes; Robert Arlinghaus
Schwimmer oder Steher: [Projekt Boddenhecht IGB]
Angeln in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - (2023)1, S. 26
March 2023
Valerio Sbragaglia; Jacob W. Brownscombe; Steven J. Cooke; Anthonie D. Buijse; Robert Arlinghaus; Warren M. Potts
March 2023
Johannes Radinger; Sven Matern; Thomas Klefoth; Christian Wolter; Fritz Feldhege; Christopher T. Monk; Robert Arlinghaus
Ecosystem-based management outperforms species-focused stocking for enhancing fish populations
Science. - 379(2023)6635, Seiten 946-951
January 2023
Thomas Klefoth; Nicola Wegener; Jürgen Meyerhoff; Robert Arlinghaus
January 2023
Julia Bronnmann; Dieter Koemle; Jürgen Meyerhoff; Marc Simon Weltersbach; Harry V. Strehlow; Robert Arlinghaus
Willingness to pay for harvest regulations and catch outcomes in recreational fisheries: a stated preference study of German cod anglers
Fisheries Research. - 259(2023), Art. 106536
January 2023
F. Dhellemmes; E. Aspillaga; T. Rittweg; J. Alos; P. Müller; R. Arlinghaus
Body size scaling of space use in coastal pike (Esox lucius) in brackish lagoons of the southern Baltic Sea
Fisheries Research. - 260(2023) Art. 106560
December 2022
Thang Dao; Martin Quaas; Dieter Koemle; Elias Ehrlich; Robert Arlinghaus
December 2022
Philipp Czapla ; Magnus Loven Wallerius ; Christopher T. Monk ; Steven J. Cooke ; Robert Arlinghaus
February 2023
Sophia Kochalski; Carsten Riepe; Robert Arlinghaus
Perceived socio-cultural ecosystem services provided by wild Atlantic Salmon populations in four European countries
Aquatic ecosystem health and management. - 25(2022)3, S. 12-21
February 2023
Jürgen Meyerhoff; Thomas Klefoth; Robert Arlinghaus
Ecosystem service trade-offs at small lakes: preferences of the public and anglers
Aquatic ecosystem health and management. - 25(2022)3, S. 1-11
January 2023
Robert Arlinghaus
Vor dem Fisch sind alle gleich
Blinker. - 09(2022), S. 72-78
January 2023
Sven Matern; Andreas Maday; Thomas Klefoth; Robert Arlinghaus
Nichts als Gestrüpp?
Blinker. - 02(2022), S. 61-67
January 2023
Philipp Czapla; Magnus Lovén Wallerius; Robert Arlinghaus
Doofes Unterwasserschwein? Von wegen!
Karpfen. 1(2022) S. 23-29
January 2023
Robert Arlinghaus
Fische und Fischerei erforschen: Wenn Karpfen lernen, den Köder auszuspucken
Academia. - 2(2022), S. 42-45
January 2023
Robert Arlinghaus
Angeln ist mehr als Fischefangen: Was bewegt vor allem Männer, am Ufer zu warten, dass ein Tier anbeißt?
Academia. - 2(2022), S. 38-41
December 2022
Dieter Kömle; Dominique Niessner; Robert Arlinghaus
Gesellschaftliche Bedeutung der Erwerbsfischerei und Einflussfaktoren auf die Küstenfischerei Mecklenburg- Vorpommerns aus Sicht von Berufsfischern
Fischerei & Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 4(2022), 42-48
December 2022
Samuel Shephard; Charles J. List; Robert Arlinghaus
Reviving the unique potential of recreational fishers as environmental stewards of aquatic ecosystems
Fish and Fisheries. - 24(2023)2, 339-351
December 2022
Valerio Sbragaglia; Tamal Roy; Per-Ove Thörnqvist; Jose Fernando López-Olmeda; Svante Winberg; Robert Arlinghaus
Evolutionary implications of size-selective mortality on the ontogenetic development of shoal cohesion: a neurochemical approach using a zebrafish, Danio rerio, harvest selection experiment
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 76(2022), Art. 154
October 2022
Kurt Johansen; Esben Moland Olsen; Tormod Haraldstad; Robert Arlinghaus; Erik Höglund
Digital data help explain drivers of angler satisfaction: an example from Southern Norway
North American journal of fisheries management. - 42(2022)5, 1165-1172
October 2022
Sven Matern; Thomas Klefoth; Christian Wolter; Andreas Hussner; Janek Simon; Robert Arlinghaus
Fish community composition in small lakes: the impact of lake genesis and fisheries management
Freshwater Biology. - XX(202X)XX, XXX
October 2022
Elizabeth A. Nyboer; Holly S. Embke; Ashley M. Robertson; Robert Arlinghaus; Shannon Bower; Claudio Baigun; Douglas Beard; Steven J. Cooke; Ian G. Cowx; John D. Koehn; Roman Lyach; Marco Milardi; Warren Potts; Abigail J. Lynch
Overturning stereotypes: the fuzzy boundary between recreational and subsistence inland fisheries
Fish and Fisheries. - 23(2022)6, 1282-1298
October 2022
Tamal Roy; Robert Arlinghaus
September 2022
Dieter Koemle; Jürgen Meyerhoff; Robert Arlinghaus
How catch uncertainty and harvest regulations drive anglers’ choice for pike (Esox lucius) fishing in the Baltic Sea
Fisheries Research. - 256(2022), Art. 106480
August 2022
Robert Nikolaus; Sven Matern; Malwina Schafft; Andreas Maday; Christian Wolter; Thomas Klefoth; Robert Arlinghaus
Influence of protected riparian areas on habitat structure and biodiversity in and at small lakes managed by recreational fisheries
Fisheries Research. - 256(2022), Art. 106476
August 2022
Holly S. Embke; Elizabeth A. Nyboer; Ashley M. Robertson; Robert Arlinghaus; Shehu L. Akintola; Tuncay Atessahin; Laamiri Mohamed Badr; Claudio Baigun; Zeenatul Basher; T. Douglas Beard Jr.; Gergely Boros; Shannon D. Bower; Steven J. Cooke; Ian G. Cowx; Adolfo Franco; Ma. Teresa Gaspar-Dillanes; Vladimir Puentes Granada; Robert John Hart; Carlos R. Heinsohn; Vincent Jalabert; Andrzej Kapusta; Tibor Krajč; John D. Koehn; Gonçalo Lopes; Roman Lyach; Terence Magqina; Marco Milardi; Juliet Nattabi; Hilda Nyaboke; Sui Phang; Warren M. Potts; Filipe Ribeiro; Norman Mercado-Silva; Naren Sreenivasan; Andy Thorpe; Tomislav Treer; Didzis Ustups; Olaf L. F. Weyl; Louisa E. Wood; Mustafa Zengin; Abigail J. Lynch
Global dataset of species-specific inland recreational fisheries harvest for consumption
Scientific Data. - 9(2022) Art. 488
July 2022
Max Birdsong; Len M. Hunt; Ben Beardmore; Malte Dorow; Thilo Pagel; Robert Arlinghaus
July 2022
Robert Arlinghaus; Dominique Niessner; Timo Rittweg
Ökologie und Management von Brackwasserhechten (Esox lucius) in der Ostsee: Ein Symposiumsbericht, Teil 2
Fischerei & Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 19(2022)2, 38-45
July 2022
Mark A. Kaemingk; Robert Arlinghaus; Max H. Birdsong; Christopher J. Chizinski; Roman Lyach; Kyle L. Wilson; Kevin L. Pope
Matching of resource use and investment according to waterbody size in recreational fisheries
Fisheries Research. - 254(2022), Art. 106388
July 2022
Robert J. Lennox; Valerio Sbragaglia; Knut Wiik Vollset; Lene K. Sortland; Loren McClenachan; Ivan Jarić; Meaghan L. Guckian; Keno Ferter; Andy J. Danylchuk; Steven J. Cooke; Robert Arlinghaus; William M. Twardek
Digital fisheries data in the Internet age: emerging tools for research and monitoring using online data in recreational fisheries
Fish and Fisheries. - 23(2022)4, 926-940
July 2022
Robert Arlinghaus
The Ocean’s whistleblower: the remarkable life and work of Daniel Pauly
Fish and Fisheries. - 23(2022)4, 771-772
June 2022
Elizabeth J. Golebie; Carena J. van Riper; Robert Arlinghaus; Megan Gaddy; Seoyeon Jang; Sophia Kochalski; Yichu Lu; Julian D. Olden; Richard Stedman; Cory Suski
May 2022
Valerio Sbragaglia; Lucía Espasandín; Salvatore Coco; Alberto Felici; Ricardo A. Correia; Marta Coll; Robert Arlinghaus
Recreational angling and spearfishing on social media: insights on harvesting patterns, social engagement and sentiments related to the distributional range shift of a marine invasive species
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. - 32(2022), 687–700
May 2022
Eva-Maria Cyrus; Thomas Klefoth; Matthias Emmrich; Christian Wolter; Robert Nikolaus; Sven Matern; Malwina Schafft; Robert Arlinghaus
Naturnahe Gestaltung von Uferzonen an Baggerseen: Chancen – Schwierigkeiten – Potentiale : Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungs- und Umsetzungsprojekt BAGGERSEE
March 2022
Valerio Sbragaglia; Pascal P. Klamser; Pawel Romanczuk; Robert Arlinghaus
Evolutionary impact of size-selective harvesting on shoaling behavior: individual-level mechanisms and possible consequences for natural and fishing mortality
The American Naturalist. - 199(2022)4, 480-495
March 2022
Casper Gundelund; Robert Arlinghaus; Max Birdsong; Hugo Flávio; Christian Skov
Investigating angler satisfaction: the relevance of catch, motives and contextual conditions
Fisheries Research. - 250(2022), Art. 106294
March 2022
Dominique Niessner; Robert Arlinghaus,
Sender-Hechte geben erste Wanderstrecken preis: [Projekt Boddenhecht IGB]
Angeln in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - (2022)1, 18-19
March 2022
Robert Arlinghaus; Dominique Niessner; Timo Rittweg
Ökologie und Management von Brackwasserhechten (Esox lucius) in der Ostsee: Ein Symposiumsbericht, Teil 1
Fischerei & Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 19(2022)1, 56-57
February 2022
Ran Nathan; Christopher T. Monk; Robert Arlinghaus; Timo Adam; Josep Alós; Michael Assaf; Henrik Baktoft; Christine E. Beardsworth; Michael G. Bertram; Allert I. Bijleveld; Tomas Brodin; Jill L. Brooks; Andrea Campos-Candela; Steven J. Cooke; Karl Ø. Gjelland; Pratik R. Gupte; Roi Harel; Gustav Hellström; Florian Jeltsch; Shaun S. Killen; Thomas Klefoth; Roland Langrock; Robert J. Lennox; Emmanuel Lourie; Joah R. Madden; Yotam Orchan; Ine S. Pauwels; MilanŘíha; Manuel Roeleke; Ulrike E. Schlägel; David Shohami; Johannes Signer; Sivan Toledo; OhadVilk; Samuel Westrelin; Mark A. Whiteside; Ivan Jarić
Big-data approaches lead to an increasedunderstanding of the ecology of animal movement
Science. - 375(2022)6582, eabg1780
February 2022
Robert Arlinghaus; Alena Vogt; Dieter Kömle; Dominique Niessner; Elias Ehrlich; Timo Rittweg; Jan Droll
January 2022
Rob van Gemert; Dieter Koemle; Helmut Winkler; Robert Arlinghaus
Data-poor stock assessment of fish stocks co-exploited by commercial and recreational fisheries: applications to pike Esox lucius in the western Baltic Sea
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 29(2022)1, 16-28
January 2023
Robert Arlinghaus
Where Do the Fish Go?
german research. - 3(2021), S. 16-21
January 2023
Robert Arlinghaus; Johanna Sprondel; Sonia Lippke; Sarah Wiethoff; Klaus Birkhofer; Ilka Agricola
„Wie kommen wir zurecht?“: Welche Folgen hat die Corona-Pandemie? Sechs Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler berichten
Forschung & Lehre. - 11(2021), 924-926
January 2023
Anssi Vainikka; Pekka Hyvärinen; Joni Tiainen; Alexandre Lemopoulos; Nico Alioravainen; Jenni M. Prokkola; Chris K. Elvidge; Robert Arlinghaus
Fishing-induced versus natural selection in different brown trout (Salmo trutta) strains
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 78(2021)11
April 2022
Robert Arlinghaus; Dominique Niessner
Bodden: Hechte mit Rucksäcken unterwegs: [Projekt Boddenhecht IGB]
Rute & Rolle. - (2021)9, 48-51
November 2021
Professor Dr. Robert Arlinghaus
Ja, wo schwimmen sie denn?
Forschung. - (2021)3, 18-22
November 2021
Dominique Niessner, Timo Rittweg, Jan Droll und Robert Arlinghaus
Rügens Rucksackhechte
Fliegenfischen. - (2021)6, 46-49
November 2021
Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus
Boddenhechte mit Rucksäcken unterwegs!: Projekt Boddenhecht – aktueller Stand der Studie
Blinker. - (2021)3, 25
November 2021
Carsten Riepe; Robert Arlinghaus
Angeln in der Mitte der Gesellschaft: die öffentliche Wahrnehmung der Freizeitfischerei mit der Angel in den alten und neuen Bundesländern
Zeitschrift für Fischerei. - 1(2021), Art. 7
November 2021
Sara Vanovac; Dakota Howard; Christopher T. Monk; Robert Arlinghaus; Philippe J. Giabbanelli
Network analysis of intra- and interspecific freshwater fish interactions using year-around tracking
Journal of the Royal Society Interface. - 18(2021)183, Art. 20210445
October 2021
Dieter Koemle; Ben Beardmore; Malte Dorow; Robert Arlinghaus
The human dimensions of recreational anglers targeting freshwater species in coastal ecosystems, with implications for management
North American Journal of Fisheries Management. - 41(2021)5, 1572-1590
October 2021
Nora Meyer; Malwina Schafft; Benjamin Wegner; Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus; Markus Venohr; Goddert von Oheimb
A day on the shore - Ecological impacts of non-motorised recreational activities in and around inland water bodies
Journal for Nature Conservation. - 64(2021), Art. 126073
October 2021
Jun-ichi Tsuboi; Kentaro Morita; Genki Sahashi; Mari Kuroki; Shinya Baba; Robert Arlinghaus
Species-specific vulnerability to angling and its size-selectivity in sympatric stream salmonids
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 78(2021), 1470–1478
September 2021
Malwina Schafft; Benjamin Wegner; Nora Meyer; Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus
Ecological impacts of water-based recreational activities on freshwater ecosystems: a global meta-analysis
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 288(2021)1959, Art. 20211623
September 2021
Valerio Sbragaglia; Jolle W. Jolles; Marta Coll; Robert Arlinghaus
Fisheries-induced changes of shoaling behaviour: mechanisms and potential consequences
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 36(2021)10, 885-888
August 2021
Robert Arlinghaus; Paul J. B. Hart
Mental health and fisheries: an understudied topic of global relevance
Fish and Fisheries. - 22(2021)5, 871-873
August 2021
Dustin J. Marshall; Michael Bode; Marc Mangel; Robert Arlinghaus; E. J. Dick
Reproductive hyperallometry and managing the world’s fisheries
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 118(2021)34, Art. e2100695118
August 2021
Beatriz Morales-Nin; Robert Arlinghaus; Josep Alós
Contrasting the motivations and wildlife-related value orientations of recreational fishers with participants of other outdoor and indoor recreational activities
Frontiers in Marine Science. - 8(2021), Art. 714733
August 2021
Julien Cucherousset; Rémy Lassus; Carsten Riepe; Paul Millet; Frédéric Santoul; Robert Arlinghaus; Mathieu Buoro
Quantitative estimates of freshwater fish stocking practices by recreational angling clubs in France
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 28(2021)4, 295-304
August 2021
Robert J. Lennox; Samuel Westrelin; Allan T. Souza; Marek Šmejkal; Milan Říha; Marie Prchalová; Ran Nathan; Barbara Koeck; Shaun Killen; Ivan Jarić; Karl Gjelland; Jack Hollins; Gustav Hellstrom; Henry Hansen; Steven J. Cooke; David Boukal; Jill L. Brooks; Tomas Brodin; Henrik Baktoft; Timo Adam; Robert Arlinghaus
A role for lakes in revealing the nature of animal movement using high dimensional telemetry systems
Movement Ecology. - 9(2021), Art. 40
June 2021
Eneko Aspillaga; Robert Arlinghaus; Martina Martorell-Barceló; Margarida Barcelo-Serra; Josep Alós
High-throughput tracking of social networks in marine fish populations
Frontiers in Marine Science. - 8(2021)June, Article 688010
June 2021
Max Birdsong; Len M. Hunt; Robert Arlinghaus
Recreational angler satisfaction: what drives it?
Fish and Fisheries. - 22(2021)4, 682-706
June 2021
Carsten Riepe; Ulf Liebe; Marie Fujitani; Sophia Kochalski; Øystein Aas; Robert Arlinghaus
Values, beliefs, norms, and conservation-oriented behaviors toward native fish biodiversity in rivers: evidence from four European Countries
Society and natural resources. - 34(2021)6, 701–722
June 2021
Marco Festa-Bianchet and Robert Arlinghaus
How regulations can affect the evolutionary impacts of recreational harvests on fish and mammals: [Chapter 12]
Harvest of fish and wildlife : new paradigms for sustainable management/edited by Kevin L. Pope and Larkin A. Powell. - Milton, 2021. - S. 179-188
May 2021
S. Matern; T. Klefoth; C. Wolter; R. Arlinghaus
Environmental determinants of fish abundance in the littoral zone of gravel pit lakes
Hydrobiologia. - 848(2021)10, 2449–2471
May 2021
Robert Arlinghaus
May 2021
Robert Arlinghaus
Zeitschrift für Fischerei – Deutschlands erste Open-Access Fachzeitschrift für alle Belange der Fischerei
Zeitschrift für Fischerei. - 1(2021), Art. 1
May 2021
Robert Arlinghaus; Alexander Brinker; Christian Wolter
May 2021
Steven J. Cooke; Paul Venturelli; William M. Twardek; Robert J. Lennox; Jacob W. Brownscombe; Christian Skov; Kieran Hyder; Cory D. Suski; Ben K. Diggles; Robert Arlinghaus; Andy J. Danylchuk
Technological innovations in the recreational fishing sector: implications for fisheries management and policy
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. - 31(2021), 253–288
May 2021
Amanda L. Jeanson; A. J. Lynch; J. D. Thiem; W. M. Potts; T. Haapasalo; A. J. Danylchuk; T. D. Beard; R. Arlinghaus; L. M. Hunt; N. Young; S. J. Cooke
A bright spot analysis of inland recreational fisheries in the face of climate change: learning about adaptation from small successes
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. - 31(2021), 181–200
April 2021
Paul J.B. Hart; Robert Arlinghaus
Plastic pollution in rivers and lakes: an indicator of an even bigger consequence of global change?
Fish and Fisheries. - 22(2021)3, 465-466
April 2021
Erik Eschbach; Arne Wolfram Nolte; Klaus Kohlmann; Josep Alós; Sandro Schöning; Robert Arlinghaus
March 2021
Paul J.B. Hart; Robert Arlinghaus
Representing human behaviour in ecosystem models
Fish and Fisheries. - 22(2021)2, 241-242
March 2021
Robert Arlinghaus; Jorrit Lucas; Marc Simon Weltersbach; Dieter Kömle; Helmut M. Winkler; Carsten Riepe; Carsten Kühne; Harry V. Strehlow
March 2021
Christopher T. Monk; Dorte Bekkevold; Thomas Klefoth; Thilo Pagel; Miquel Palmer; Robert Arlinghaus
The battle between harvest and natural selection creates small and shy fish
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 118(2021)9, Art. e2009451118
February 2021
Valerio Sbragaglia; Salvatore Coco; Ricardo A.Correia; Marta Coll; Robert Arlinghaus
Analyzing publicly available videos about recreational fishing reveals key ecological and social insights: a case study about groupers in the Mediterranean Sea
Science of the Total Environment. - 765(2021), Art. 142672
February 2021
Valerio Sbragaglia; Jose Fernando López‐Olmeda; Elena Frigato; Cristiano Bertolucci; Robert Arlinghaus
Size‐selective mortality induces evolutionary changes in group risk‐taking behaviour and the circadian system in a fish
Journal of Animal Ecology. - 90(2021)2, 387-403
February 2021
by Tamal Roy; Kim Fromm; Valerio Sbragaglia; David Bierbach and Robert Arlinghaus
January 2021
Robert Arlinghaus; Øystein Aas; Josep Alós; Ivan Arismendi; Shannon Bower; Steven Carle; Tomasz Czarkowski; Kátia M. F. Freire; John Hu; Len M. Hunt; Roman Lyach; Andrzej Kapusta; Pekka Salmi; Alexander Schwab; Jun-ichi Tsuboi; Marek Trella; Daryl McPhee; Warren Potts; Arkadiusz Wołos; Zi-Jiang Yang
Global participation in and public attitudes toward recreational fishing: international perspectives and developments
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture. - 29(2021)1, 58-95
January 2021
Robert Nikolaus; Malwina Schafft; Andreas Maday; Thomas Klefoth; Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus
January 2021
Eneko Aspillaga; Robert Arlinghaus; Martina Martorell-Barceló; Guillermo Follana-Berná; Arancha Lana; Andrea Campos-Candela; Josep Alós
Performance of a novel system for high-resolution tracking of marine fish societies
Animal Biotelemetry. - 9(2021), Art. 1
January 2021
Steven J. Cooke; William M. Twardek; Abigail J. Lynch; Ian G. Cowx; Julian D. Olden; Simon Funge-Smith; Kai Lorenzen; Robert Arlinghaus; Yushun Chen; Olaf L.F. Weyl; Elizabeth A. Nyboer; Paulo S. Pompeu; Stephanie M. Carlson; John D. Koehn; Adrian C. Pinder; Rajeev Raghavan; Sui Phang; Aaron A. Koning; William W. Taylor; Devin Bartley; J. Robert Britton
A global perspective on the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on freshwater fish biodiversity
Biological Conservation. - 253(2021), Art. 108932
December 2020
Daniel Hein; Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus und Dr. Carsten Riepe
Männersache! Aber warum?
Fliegenfischen. - (2021)1, 28-31
December 2020
Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus und Dr. Dieter Kömle
Dorch und Boddenhecht - Was tun?
Blinker. - (2021)1, 66-67
March 2021
Robert Arlinghaus; Eva-Maria Cyrus
Wissenschaftskommunikation gewinnbringend gestalten: Beispiele aus dersozial-ökologischen Fischereiforschung
Forschung, Politik - Strategie - Management. - 13(2020)3+4, 85-94
January 2021
Robert Nikolaus; Sven Matern; Malwina Schafft; Thomas Klefoth; Andreas Maday; Christian Wolter; Alessandro Manfrin; Jan Uwe Lemm und Robert Arlinghaus
Einfluss anglerischer Bewirtschaftung auf die Biodiversität von Baggerseen: eine vergleichende Studie verschiedener gewässergebundener Organismengruppen
Lauterbornia. - 87(2020), S. 153-187
December 2020
Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus und Dr. Dieter Kömle
Klare Kante an der Küste: diese Umfrage hilft Dorsch und Bodden-Hecht
Angel-Woche. - (2020)25, S. 18-19
December 2020
Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus und Dr. Dieter Kömle
Was Ihr wollt!
Kutter & Küste. - 84(2020), S. 75-77
December 2020
von Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus
Ihr kleiner Typ-Berater : Angler-Typen
Blinker. - (2021)1, 22-28
December 2020
Valerio Sbragaglia; Robert Arlinghaus
December 2020
R. Arlinghaus; B. Beardmore; C. Riepe; T. Pagela
Species-specific preference heterogeneity in German freshwater anglers, with implications for management
Journal of outdoor recreation and tourism. - 32(2020), 100216
December 2020
von Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus
Hechte am Haken der Wissenschaft
Blinker. - (2020)5, S. 44-48
December 2020
von Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus
Forellenseen : Vom bösen Angelteich – Hoch lebe der Angelteich: eine wissenschaftliche Perspektive auf den "Forellenpuff"
Blinker. - (2020)4, S. 72-77
December 2020
Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus
Neue Wege bei der Hege : es muss nicht immer Fischbesatz sein
Fischwaid. - (2020)1, S. 3-6
December 2020
Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus
Fischbesatz ist kein Allheilmittel
Fischwaid. - (2020)1, S. 9-13
November 2020
Valerio Sbragaglia; Ricardo A. Correia; Salvatore Coco5; and Robert Arlinghaus
Data mining on YouTube reveals fisher group-specific harvesting patterns and social engagement in recreational anglers and spearfishers
ICES Journal of Marine Science. - 77(2020)6, S. 2234–2244
November 2020
Jon Helge Vølstad; Mary Christman; Keno Ferter; Alf Ring Kleiven; Håkon Otterå; Øystein Aas; Robert Arlinghaus; Trude Borch; Jonathan Colman; Bruce Hartill; Thrond O. Haugen; Kieran Hyder; Jeremy M. Lyle; Martin Junker Ohldieck; Christian Skov; Harry V. Strehlow; Dave van Voorhees; Marc Simon Weltersbach; and Edward D. Weber
Field surveying of marine recreational fisheries in Norway using a novel spatial sampling frame reveals striking under-coverage of alternative sampling frames
ICES Journal of Marine Science. - 77(2020)6, S. 2192–2205
November 2020
Ivan Jarić; Uri Roll; Robert Arlinghaus; Jonathan Belmaker; Yan Chen; Victor China; Karel Douda; Franz Essl; Sonja C. Jähnig; Jonathan M. Jeschke; Gregor Kalinkat; Lukáš Kalous; Richard Ladle; Robert J. Lennox; Rui Rosa; Valerio Sbragaglia; Kate Sherren; Marek Šmejkal; Andrea Soriano-Redondo; Allan T. Souza; Christian Wolter; Ricardo A. Correia
Expanding conservation culturomics and iEcology from terrestrial to aquatic realms
PLoS Biology. - 18(2020)10, e3000935
October 2020
Eva-Maria Cyrus; Thomas Klefoth; [Christian Wolter]; [Robert Nikolaus]; [Robert Arlinghaus]; [Sven Matern]; [Malwina Schafft]
Baggerseen sind Refugien für die Artenvielfalt
Wasser und Abfall. - 22(2020)10, S. 30-37
October 2020
Robert Arlinghaus; Ian G. Cowx; Brian Key; Ben K. Diggles; Alexander Schwab; Steven J. Cooke; Anne Berit Skiftesvik; Howard I. Browman
Pragmatic animal welfare is independent of feelings
Science. - 370(2020)6513, S. 180
October 2020
Christopher T. Monk; Bernard Chéret; Philipp Czapla; Daniel Hühn; Thomas Klefoth; Erik Eschbach; Robert Hagemann; Robert Arlinghaus
Behavioural and fitness effects of translocation to a novel environment: whole-lake experiments in two aquatic top predators
Journal of Animal Ecology. - 89(2020)10, S. 2325-2344
September 2020
Shannon D. Bower; Øystein Aas; Robert Arlinghaus; T. Douglas Beard; Ian G. Cowx; Andy J. Danylchuk; Kátia M.F. Freire; Warren M. Potts; Stephen G. Sutton, and Steven J. Cooke
Knowledge gaps and management priorities for recreational fisheries in the developing world
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture. - 28(2020)4, S. 518-535
September 2020
Leander Höhne; Miquel Palmer; Christopher T. Monk; Sven Matern; Robert Nikolaus; Ashley Trudeau; Robert Arlinghaus
Environmental determinants of perch (Perca fluviatilis) growth in gravel pit lakes and the relative performance of simple versus complex ecological predictors
Ecology of Freshwater Fish. - 29(2020)4, S. 557-573
August 2020
Magnus Lovén Wallerius; Jörgen I. Johnsson; Steven J. Cooke; Robert Arlinghaus
Hook avoidance induced by private and social learning in common carp
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. - 149(2020)4, S. 498-511
July 2020
Marie L. Fujitani; Carsten Riepe; Thilo Pagel; Mathieu Buoro; Frédéric Santoul; Rémy Lassus; Julien Cucherousset; Robert Arlinghaus
Ecological and social constraints are key for voluntary investments into renewable natural resources
Global Environmental Change. - 63(2020), 102125
June 2020
Josep Alós; Arancha Lana; Josep Ramis; Robert Arlinghaus
June 2020
Casper Gundelund; Robert Arlinghaus; Henrik Baktoft; Kieran Hyder; Paul Venturelli; Christian Skov
Insights into the users of a citizen science platform for collecting recreational fisheries data
Fisheries Research. - 229(2020), art. 105597
April 2020
Robert N. M. Ahrens; Micheal S. Allen; Carl Walters; Robert Arlinghaus
April 2020
Payam Aminpour; Steven A. Gray; Antonie J. Jetter; Joshua E. Introne; Alison Singer; Robert Arlinghaus
Wisdom of stakeholder crowds in complex social-ecological systems
Nature Sustainability. - 3(2020)3, S. 191-199
April 2020
Peter E. Holder; Amanda L. Jeanson; Robert J. Lennox; Jacob W. Brownscombe; Robert Arlinghaus; Andy J. Danylchuk; Shannon D. Bower; Kieran Hyder; Len M. Hunt; Eli P. Fenichel; Paul A. Venturelli; Eva B Thorstad; Micheal S. Allen; Warren M. Potts; Sascha Clark-Danylchuk; Julie E. Claussen; Jeremy M. Lyle; Jun-ichi Tsuboi; Randall Brummett; Kátia M. F. Freire; Sean R. Tracey; Christian Skov; Steven J. Cooke
Preparing for a changing future in recreational fisheries: 100 research questions for global consideration emerging from a horizon scan
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. - 30(2020)1, S. 137-151
April 2020
Teppo Vehanen; Marina Piria; Jan Kubecka; Christian Skov; Fiona Kelly; Heidi Pokki; Päivi Eskelinen; Mika Rahikainen; Tapio Keskinen; Janne Artell; Atso Romakkaniemi; Josip Suić; Zdenek Adámek; Roman Heimlich; Petr Chalupa; Hana Zenisková; Roman Lyach; Søren Berg; Kim Birnie-Gauvin; Niels Jepsen; Anders Koed; Michael Ingemann Pedersen; Gorm Rasmussen; Patrick Gargan; William Roche; Robert Arlinghaus. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
January 2020
Barbara Koeck; Magnus Lovén Wallerius; Robert Arlinghaus; Jörgen I. Johnsson
Behavioural adjustment of fish to temporal variation in fishing pressure affects catchability: an experiment with angled trout
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 77(2020)1, S. 188-193
January 2020
Sonja C. Jähnig - lead author; Rita Adrian; Hans-Peter Grossart; Jörg Freyhof; Matthias Stöck; Franz Hölker; Jonathan Jeschke; Robert Arlinghaus; Mark Gessner; Martin Pusch; Daniel Hering ...; Peter Haase; Hans Jürgen Hahn ...; Dietrich Borchardt ...; Frank Suhling; Dietmar Staile ...; Thomas Berendonk ...; Jürgen Geist; Ursula Gaedke; Guntram Weithoff; Jörg Dutz ...; Judith Piontek; Marlene Pätzig; Steffen Pauls; Nike Sommerwerk
Living waters: a research agenda for the biodiversity of inland and coastal waters
13 S.
December 2019
Robert Arlinghaus
Bioökonomische Ansätze für ein nachhaltiges Management von wildlebenden Süßwasserfischen
Ökologie und Bioökonomie. - München : Pfeil, 2019. - S. 59-70. - (Rundgespräche Forum Ökologie ; 48)
December 2019
Hannah L. Harrison; Sophia Kochalski; Robert Arlinghaus; Øystein Aas
December 2019
Robert Arlinghaus; Christopher Monk
Karpers volgen: waar zwemmen ze?
Karper : Internationaal Karpermagazine. - 118(2019), S. 36-44
December 2019
Katja Wiegner; Thomas Klefoth; Robert Arlinghaus
Bringt totes Holz Leben in den Baggersee?
Der Laubfrosch : das Wissensmagazin der VTA-Gruppe. - 83(2019), S. 12-13
December 2019
Robert Arlinghaus; Christopher Monk; Steven Carle
Barsche zuppeln auf wissenschaftlich!
Blinker. - (2019)12, S. 54-57
December 2019
Robert Arlinghaus
Wann ist ein Bestand überfischt?
Blinker. - (2019)10, S. 42-46
December 2019
Robert Arlinghaus
Fischereigesetz Hamburg - wegweisend!
Blinker. - (2019)8, S. 40-43
December 2019
Robert Arlinghaus; Carsten Riepe; Sophia Kochalski
Das Jahr des Lachses
Blinker. - (2019)7, S. 54-57
December 2019
Robert Arlinghaus; Tonio Pieterek; Thomas Klefoth
Fang Dir Deinen Hecht - auf wissenschaftlich!
Blinker. - (2019)5, S. 42-47
December 2019
Robert Arlinghaus
Warum wir angeln
Blinker. - (2019)4, S. 54-56
December 2019
Robert Arlinghaus; Carsten Riepe
Das Bild vom Angler: wie die Öffentlichkeit über uns denkt
Blinker. - (2019)3, S. 40-45
December 2019
Robert Arlinghaus; Christopher Monk
Wo schwimmen sie denn?
Blinker. - (2019)2, S. 42-47
November 2019
Magnus Lovén Wallerius; Albin Gräns; Barbara Koeck; David Berger; Erik Sandblom; Andreas Ekström; Robert Arlinghaus; Jörgen I. Johnsson
Socially induced stress and behavioural inhibition in response to angling exposure in rainbow trout
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 26(2019)6, S. 611-620
November 2019
Sonja C. Jähnig - Federführung; Rita Adrian; Hans-Peter Grossart; Jörg Freyhof; Matthias Stöck; Franz Hölker; Jonathan Jeschke; Robert Arlinghaus; Mark Gessner; Martin Pusch; Daniel Hering ...; Peter Haase; Hans Jürgen Hahn ...; Dietrich Borchardt ...; Frank Suhling; Dietmar Staile ...; Thomas Berendonk ...; Jürgen Geist; Ursula Gaedke; Guntram Weithoff; Jörg Dutz ...; Judith Piontek; Marlene Pätzig; Steffen Pauls; Nike Sommerwerk
October 2019
Jürgen Meyerhoff; Thomas Klefoth; Robert Arlinghaus
The value artificial lake ecosystems provide to recreational anglers: implications for management of biodiversity and outdoor recreation
Journal of Environmental Management. - 252(2019), art. 109580
September 2019
Jun-ichi Tsuboi; Kohichi Kaji; Shinya Baba; Robert Arlinghaus
Trade-offs in the adaptation towards hatchery and natural conditions drive survival, migration, and angling vulnerability in a territorial fish in the wild
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 76(2019)10, S. 1757-1767
September 2019
Valerio Sbragaglia; Catalina Gliese; David Bierbach; Andrew E. Honsey; Silva Uusi-Heikkilä; Robert Arlinghaus
Size-selective harvesting fosters adaptations in mating behaviour and reproductive allocation, affecting sexual selection in fish
Journal of Animal Ecology. - 88(2019)9, S. 1343-1354
August 2019
Sophia Kochalski; Carsten Riepe; Robert Arlinghaus
Das Jahr des Lachses 2019 aus Sicht der Bevölkerung
Fischer & Teichwirt. - 70(2019)8, S. 287-291
July 2019
Len M. Hunt; Ed Camp; Brett van Poorten; Robert Arlinghaus
Catch and non-catch-related determinants of where anglers fish: a review of three decades of site choice research in recreational fisheries
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture. - 27(2019)3, S. 261-286
June 2019
Sven Matern; Matthias Emmrich; Thomas Klefoth; Christian Wolter; Robert Nikolaus; Nicola Wegener; Robert Arlinghaus
June 2019
Steven J. Cooke; William M. Twardek; Andrea J. Reid; Robert J. Lennox; Sascha C. Danylchuk; Jacob W. Brownscombe; Shannon D. Bower; Robert Arlinghaus; Kieran Hyder; Andy J. Danylchuk
Searching for responsible and sustainable recreational fisheries in the Anthropocene
Journal of Fish Biology. - 94(2019)6, S. 845-856
May 2019
Sophia Kochalski; Carsten Riepe; Robert Arlinghaus
Der Lachs aus Sicht der Bevölkerung
Der Atlantische Lachs (Salmo salar) : Fisch des Jahres 2019 / Deutscher Angelfischerverband. - Offenbach am Main, 2019. - S. 31-39
May 2019
Valerio Sbragaglia; Josep Alos; Kim Fromm; Christopher T. Monk; Carlos Diaz-Gil; Silva Uusi-Heikkilä; Andrew E. Honsey; Alexander D. M. Wilson; Robert Arlinghaus
Experimental size-selective harvesting behavioral types of a social fish
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. - 148(2019)3. - S. 552-568
May 2019
Carsten Riepe; Jürgen Meyerhoff; Marie Fujitani; Øystein Aas; Johannes Radinger; Sophia Kochalski; Robert Arlinghaus
Managing river fish biodiversity generates substantial economic benefits in four European countries
Environmental Management. - 63(2019)6, S. 759-776
April 2019
af Christian Skov; Casper Gundelund; Robert Arlinghaus; Bruce Hartill; Hans Jakob Olesen; Kim Aarestrup; Anders Koed
Lystfiskeri langs kysten på fyn om foråret: fiskeindsats, fangster, demografi, adfærd og holdninger
(DTU Aqua-rapport ; 339)
April 2019
Josep Alos; Andrea Campos-Candela; Robert Arlinghaus
A modelling approach to evaluate the impact of fish spatial behavioural types on fisheries stock assessment
ICES Journal of Marine Science. - 76(2019)2, S. 489-500
March 2019
Shuichi Matsumura; Ben Beardmore; Wolfgang Haider; Ulf Dieckmann; Robert Arlinghaus
Ecological, angler, and spatial heterogeneity drive social and ecological outcomes in an integrated landscape model of freshwater recreational fisheries
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture. - 27(2019)2, S. 170-197
March 2019
Robert Arlinghaus; Joshua K. Abbott; Eli P. Fenichel; Stephen R. Carpenter; Len M. Hunt; Josep Alos; Thomas Klefoth; Steven J. Cooke; Ray Hilborn; Olaf P. Jensen; Michael J. Wilberg; John R. Post; Michael J. Manfredo
Governing the recreational dimension of global fisheries
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 116(2019)12, S. 5209-5213
March 2019
Thomas Mehner; Tobias Rapp; Christopher T. Monk; Mara E. Beck; Ashley Trudeau; Mikko Kiljunen; Sabine Hilt; Robert Arlinghaus
February 2019
Barbara Koeck; Libor Zavorka; David Aldven; Joacim Näslund; Robert Arlinghaus; Per-Ove Thörnqvist; Svante Winberg; Björn Thrandur Björnsson; Jörgen I. Johnsson
Angling selects against active and stress-resilient phenotypes in rainbow trout
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 76(2019)2, S. 320-333
February 2019
Howard I. Browman; Steven J. Cooke; Ian G. Cowx; Stuart W. G. Derbyshire; Alexander Kasumyan; Brian Key; James D. Rose; Alexander Schwab; Anne Berit Skiftesvik; E. Don Stevens; Craig A. Watson; Robert Arlinghaus
Welfare of aquatic animals: where things are, where they are going, and what it means for research, aquaculture, recreational angling, and commercial fishing
ICES Journal of Marine Science. - 76(2019)1, S. 82-92
January 2019
Sophia Kochalski; Carsten Riepe; Marie Fujitani; Øystein Aas; Robert Arlinghaus
Public perception of river fish biodiversity in four European countries
Conservation Biology. - 33(2019)1, S. 164-175
December 2018
Christopher E. Pullen; Robert Arlinghaus; Robert J. Lennox; Steven J. Cooke
November 2018
Jacob W. Brownscombe; Kieran Hyder; Warren Potts; Kyle L. Wilson; Kevin L. Pope; Andy J. Danylchuk; Steven J. Cooke; Adrian Clarke; Robert Arlinghaus; John R. Post
January 2019
Jörgen I. Johnsson; Kjetil Hindar; Robert Arlinghaus; Julien Cucherousset; Ian Fleming
The need to manage salmonid invasions in Europe to protect native biodiversity: SalmoInvade ; policy brief
6 S.
December 2018
Øystein Aas; Julien Cucherousset; Ian A. Fleming; Christian Wolter; Johan Höjesjö; Mathieu Buoro; Frederic Santoul; Jörgen I. Johnsson; Kjetil Hindar; Robert Arlinghaus
Salmonid stocking in five North Atlantic jurisdictions: identifying drivers and barriers to policy change
Aquatic Conservation. - 28(2018)6, S. 1451-1464
December 2018
Robert Arlinghaus
Wirksamkeit von Fortbildungen zu Fischbesatz unter Anglern
Fischwaid. - (2018)2, S. 18-21
December 2018
Robert Arlinghaus
Der Einheitsfang als praxisnahes Hilfsmittel zur Erfolgskontrolle von Hegemaßnahmen wie Besatz
Fischer & Angler. - (2018)2, S. 25-28
December 2018
Fiona D. Johnston; Micheal S. Allen; Ben Beardmore; Carsten Riepe; Thilo Pagel; Daniel Hühn; Robert Arlinghaus
How ecological processes shape the outcomes of stock enhancement and harvest regulations in recreational fisheries
Ecological Applications. - 28(2018)8, S. 2033-2054
November 2018
Malwina Schafft; Robert Arlinghaus
StörBagger - ein neues Forschungsprojekt zur Wirkung von Anglern auf Natur und Umwelt
Fischer & Angler. - (2018)4, S. 25-26
November 2018
Silva Uusi-Heikkilä; David Bierbach; Josep Alos; Patrick Tscheligi; Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus
Relatively large males lower reproductive success in female zebrafish
Environmental Biology of Fishes. - 101(2018)11, S. 1625-1638
November 2018
Suvodeep Mazumdar; Luigi Ceccaroni; Jaume Piera; Franz Hölker; Arne J. Berre; Robert Arlinghaus; Anne Bowser
Citizen science technologies and new opportunities for participation
Citizen science : innovation in open science, society and policy / ed. by Susanne Hecker ... - London : UCL Press, 2018. - ch. 21, S. 303-320
October 2018
Valerio Sbragaglia; Lorenzo Morroni; Lorenzo Bramanti; Boris Weitzmann; Robert Arlinghaus; Ernesto Azzurro
Spearfishing modulates flight initiation distance of fishes: the effects of protection, individual size, and bearing a speargun
ICES Journal of Marine Science. - 75(2018)5, S. 1779-1789
September 2018
Pablo Pita; Sebastian Villasante; Robert Arlinghaus; Pedro Gomes; Harry V. Strehlow; Pedro Veiga; Jose Vingada; Kieran Hyder
July 2018
Shinnosuke Nakayama; Peer Doering-Arjes; Stefan Linzmaier; John Briege; Thomas Klefoth; Tonio Pieterek; Robert Arlinghaus
Fine-scale movement ecology of a freshwater top predator, Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis), in response to the abiotic environment over the course of a year
Ecology of Freshwater Fish. - 27(2018)3, S. 798-812
June 2018
Christopher T. Monk; Matthieu Barbier; Pawel Romanczuk; James R. Watson; Josep Alos; Shinnosuke Nakayama; Daniel I. Rubenstein; Simon A. Levin; Robert Arlinghaus
May 2018
Markus Venohr; Simone D. Langhans; Oliver Peters; Franz Hölker; Robert Arlinghaus; Lewis Mitchell; Christian Wolter
The underestimated dynamics and impacts of water-based recreational activities on freshwater ecosystems
Environmental Reviews. - 26(2018)2, S. 199-213
May 2018
Jens Jakob Bursell; Robert Arlinghaus
May 2018
Eric A. Lavin; Philippe J. Giabbanelli; Andrew T. Stefanik; Steven A. Gray; Robert Arlinghaus
Should we simulate mental models to assess whether they agree?
Proceedings of the Annual Simulation Symposium : ANSS '18 / Society for Computer Simulation International - San Diego, 2018. - art. no. 6, 12 S.
April 2018
Hannah L. Harrison; Sophia Kochalski; Robert Arlinghaus; Øystein Aas
March 2018
Nicolas Guillerault; Daniel Hühn; Julien Cucherousset; Robert Arlinghaus; Christian Skov
Stocking for pike population enhancement
Biology and Ecology of Pike / eds.: Christian Skov ; P. Anders Nilsson. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2018. - ch. 9, S. 215-247
March 2018
Robert Arlinghaus; Josep Alos; Ben Beardmore; Angela M. Diaz; Daniel Hühn; Fiona Johnston; Thomas Klefoth; Anna Kuparinen; Shuichi Matsumura; Thilo Pagel; Tonio Pieterek; Carsten Riepe
Recreational piking - sustainably managing pike in recreational fisheries
Biology and Ecology of Pike / eds.: Christian Skov ; P. Anders Nilsson. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2018. - ch. 12, S. 288-335
March 2018
Robert Arlinghaus
Zarybianie - 10 zasad postepowania
Dzialania prosridowiskowe w racjonalnej gospodarce rybackiej / pod red.: Arkadiusza Wolosa. - Olsztyn : IRS, 2018. - S. 61-68
March 2018
Kieran Hyder; Marc Simon Weltersbach; Mike Armstrong; Keno Ferter; Bryony Townhill; Anssi Ahvonen; Robert Arlinghaus; Andrei Baikov; Manuel Bellanger; Janis Birzaks; Trude Borch; Giulia Cambie; Martin de Graaf; Hugo M. C. Diogo; Lukasz Dziemian; Ana Gordoa; Ryszard Grzebielec; Bruce Hartill; Anders Kagervall; Kostas Kapiris; Martin Karlsson; Alf Ring Kleiven; Adam M. Lejk; Harold Levrel ... Harry V. Strehlow
March 2018
Steven J. Cooke; William M. Twardek; Robert J. Lennox; Aaron Zolderdo; Shannon D. Bower; Lee F. G. Gutowsky; Andy J. Danylchuk; Robert Arlinghaus; Douglas Beard
The nexus of fun and nutrition: recreational fishing is also about food
Fish and Fisheries. - 19(2018)2, S. 201-224
February 2018
Christopher T. Monk; Robert Arlinghaus
Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis, spatial behaviour determines vulnerability independent of angler skill in a whole-lake reality mining experiment
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 75(2018)3, S. 417-428
February 2018
Julien Cucherousset; Pavel Horky; Ondrej Slavik; Michael Ovidio; Robert Arlinghaus; Stephanie Bouletreau; Robert Britton; Emili Garcia-Berthou; Frederic Santoul
Ecology, behaviour and management of the European catfish
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. - 28(2018)1, S. 177-190
January 2018
Ken H. Andersen; Lise Marty; Robert Arlinghaus
Evolution of boldness and life history in response to selective harvesting
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 75(2018)2, S. 271-281
January 2018
Stefan M. Linzmaier; Laura A. Twardochle; Julian D. Olden; Thomas Mehner; Robert Arlinghaus
Size-dependent foraging niches of European Perch Perca fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758) and North American Yellow Perch Perca flavescens (Mitchill, 1814)
Environmental Biology of Fishes. - 101(2018)1, S. 23-37
December 2017
Sebastian Theis; Carsten Riepe; Marie Fujitani; Robert Arlinghaus
Typisierung von Angelvereinen in Bezug auf den Einsatz von Hegemaßnahmen
Fischwaid. - (2017)3, S. 18-20
December 2017
Robert Arlinghaus
Wirksamkeit von Fortbildungen zu Fischbesatz unter Anglern
Fischer & Angler. - 24(2017)3, S. 27-30
November 2017
Michael J. Manfredo; Jeremy T. Bruskotter; Tara L. Teel; David Fulton; Shigehiro Oishi; Ayse K. Uskul; Kent H. Redford; Shalom H. Schwartz; Robert Arlinghaus; Shinobu Kitayama; Leeann Sullivan
Revisiting the challenge of intentional value shift: reply to Ives and Fischer
Conservation Biology. - 31(2017)6, S. 1486-1487
November 2017
Thomas Klefoth; Christian Skov; Anna Kuparinen; Robert Arlinghaus
Toward a mechanistic understanding of vulnerability to hook-and-line fishing: boldness as the basic target of angling-induced selection
Evolutionary Applications. - 10(2017)10, S. 994-1006
November 2017
B. K. Diggles; R. Arlinghaus; H. I. Browman; S. J. Cooke; I. G. Cowx; A. O. Kasumyan; B. Key; J. D. Rose; W. Sawynok; A. Schwab; A. B. Skiftesvik; E. D. Stevens; C. A. Watson; C. D. L. Wynne
Responses of larval zebrafish to low pH immersion assay: comment on Lopez-Luna et al.
Journal of Experimental Biology. - 220(2017)17, S. 3191-3194
October 2017
Jan Baer; Reiner Eckmann; Roland Rösch; Robert Arlinghaus; Alexander Brinker
Managing upper Lake Constance fishery in a multi-sector policy landscape: beneficiary and victim of a century of anthropogenic trophic change
Inter-sectoral governance of inland fisheries / Andrew M. Song ... (eds.). - St. John's, 2017. - ch. 3, S. 32-47
October 2017
Ray Hilborn; Robert Arlinghaus
Zustand, Entwicklung und Ertragspotenzial bestandskundlich erfasster europäischer Fischbestände im Nordostatlantik
Fischerei & Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 17(2017)3, S. 42-49
September 2017
Robert J. Lennox; Josep Alos; Robert Arlinghaus; Andrij Horodysky; Thomas Klefoth; Christopher T. Monk; Stephen J. Cooke
What makes fish vulnerable to capture by hooks?: A conceptual framework and a review of key determinants
Fish and Fisheries. - 18(2017)5, S. 986-1010
September 2017
Silva Uusi-Heikkilä; Tiina Sävilammi; Erica Leder; Robert Arlinghaus; Craig R. Primmer
Rapid, broad-scale gene expression evolution in experimentally harvested fish populations
Molecular Ecology. - 26(2017)15, S. 3954-3967
September 2017
Robert Arlinghaus. Unter Mitarb. von Raimund Müller; Tobias Rapp; Christian Wolter
Nachhaltiges Management von Angelgewässern: ein Praxisleitfaden
Berichte des IGB / Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei; 30
July 2017
Laura K. Elmer; Lisa A. Kelly; Stephanie Rivest; S. Clay Steell; William M. Twardek; Andy J. Danylchuk; Robert Arlinghaus; Joseph R. Bennett; Steven J. Cooke
Angling into the future: ten commandments for recreational fisheries science, management, and stewardship in a good anthropocene
Environmental Management. - 60(2017)2, S. 165-175
July 2017
Michael J. Manfredo; Jeremy T. Bruskotter; Tara L. Teel; David Fulton; Shalom H. Schwartz; Robert Arlinghaus; Shigehiro Oishi; Ayse K. Uskul; Kent Redford; Shinobu Kitayama; Leeann Sullivan
Why social values cannot be changed for the sake of conservation
Conservation Biology. - 31(2017)4, S. 772-780
July 2017
Christian Skov; Teunis Jansen; Robert Arlinghaus
June 2017
Carsten Riepe; Marie Fujitani; Julien Cucherousset; Thilo Pagel; Mathieu Buoro; Frederic Santoul; Remy Lassus; Robert Arlinghaus
June 2017
Robert Arlinghaus; Daniel Hühn; Tobias Rapp
Fischbesatz: Experimente im Angelgewässer
Fischer & Angler. - 24(2017)2, S. 25-29
June 2017
Marie Fujitani; Andrew Mc Fall; Christoph Randler; Robert Arlinghaus
Participatory adaptive management leads to environmental learning outcomes extending beyond the sphere of science
Science Advances. - 3(2017)6, e1602516
June 2017
Eva-Maria Cyrus und Robert Arlinghaus
Besatzfisch - Geschichten von Fischen, Anglern und Forschern: oder: Warum Besatz nicht gleich Besatz ist
Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei im Forschungsverbund Berlin, 2017, 68 S.
June 2017
Robert Arlinghaus; Carsten Riepe
Urbanisierung, Wertewandel und die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz des Angelns
Arbeiten des Deutschen Fischerei-Verbandes. - 94(2016), S. 79-83
May 2017
Robert Arlinghaus; Daniel Hühn; Thilo Pagel; Moritz Beck; Tobias Rapp; Christian Wolter
Fischereilicher Nutzen und gewässerökologische Auswirkungen des Besatzes mit Karpfen (Cyprinus carpio) in stehenden Gewässern: Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen aktueller Ganzseeexperimente und Meta-Analysen
Fischerei & Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 17(2017)1, S. 36-46
March 2017
Christopher Thomas Monk; Robert Arlinghaus
March 2017
Robert Arlinghaus; Tobias Rapp
Fischbesatz: 10 Regeln, auf die man beim Fischbesatz achten sollte
Fischer & Angler. - 24(2017)1, S. 25-28
February 2017
B. Key; R. Arlinghaus; H. I. Browman; S. J. Cooke; I. G. Cowx; B. K. Diggles; J. D. Rose; W. Sawynok; A. Schwab; A. B. Skiftesvik; E. D. Stevens; C. A. Watson
Problems with equating thermal preference with 'emotional fever' and sentience: comment on 'Fish can show emotional fever: stress-induced hyperthermia in zebrafish' by Rey et al. (2015)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : Ser. B, Biological Sciences. - 284(2017)1848, art. 20160681
February 2017
Shinnosuke Nakayama; Tobias Rapp; Robert Arlinghaus
Fast-slow life history is correlated with individual differences in movements and prey selection in an aquatic predator in the wild
Journal of Animal Ecology. - 86(2017)2, S. 192-201
February 2017
Christopher E. Pullen; Kristen Hayes; Constance M. O'Connor; Robert Arlinghaus; Cory D. Suski; Jonathan D. Midwood; Steven J. Cooke
Consequences of oral lure retention on the physiology and behaviour of adult northern pike (Esox lucius L.)
Fisheries Research. - 186(2017)3, S. 601–611
January 2017
Robert Arlinghaus; Josep Alos; Tonio Pieterek; Thomas Klefoth
Determinants of angling catch of northern pike (Esox lucius) as revealed by a controlled whole-lake catch-and-release angling experiment
Fisheries Research. - 186(2017)3, S. 648–657
October 2016
R. Arlinghaus; J. Alos; B. Beardmore; K. Daedlow; M. Dorow; M. Fujitani; D. Hühn; W. Haider; L. M. Hunt; B. M. Johnson; F. Johnston; T. Klefoth; S. Matsumura; C. Monk; T. Pagel; J. R. Post; T. Rapp; C. Riepe; H. Ward; C. Wolter
Understanding and managing freshwater recreational fisheries as complex adaptive social-ecological systems
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture. - 25(2017)1, S. 1-41
January 2017
Brian Key; Robert Arlinghaus; Howard I. Browman
Insects cannot tell us anything about subjective experience or the origin of consciousness
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 113(2016)27, E3813
January 2017
Daniel Hühn; Robert Arlinghaus
Hechtbesatz in natürliche reproduzierende Hechtbestände: sinnvolle Strategie oder vergebene Liebesmüh?
Der Märkische Fischer. - 55(2016), S. 40-42
January 2017
Erik Eschbach; Arne Nolte; Klaus Kohlmann; Josep Alos; Petra Kersten; Sandro Schöning; Tobias Rapp; Robert Arlinghaus
Genetische Vielfalt von Zander- und Hechtpopulationen in Deutschland: Schlussfolgerungen für die nachhaltige fischereiliche Hege durch Besatz
Fischer & Teichwirt. - 67(2016)9, S. 327-330
January 2017
Julius Ensinger; Uwe Brämick; Robert Arlinghaus
Anglern in Nordostdeutschland wissenschaftlich auf der Spur
Fischerei & Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 16(2016)3, S. 41-42
January 2017
Julius Ensinger; Uwe Brämick; Robert Arlinghaus
Anglern in Nordostdeutschland wissenschaftlich auf der Spur
Angeln in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - (2016)3, S. 20-21
January 2017
Julius Ensinger; Uwe Brämick; Robert Arlinghaus
Angeln, Verstädterung und Angeltourismus - neue Studien bieten Anregungen
Fischwaid. - (2016)1, S. 17-19
January 2017
Julius Ensinger; Uwe Brämick; Robert Arlinghaus
Angeln, Verstädterung und Angeltourismus - neue Studien bieten Anregungen
Fischer & Teichwirt. - 67(2016)3, S. 86-88
January 2017
Tonio Pieterek; Thomas Klefoth; Josep Alos; Robert Arlinghaus
Einfluss verschiedener Faktoren auf die anglerische Fangbarkeit von Hechten (Esox lucius)
Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Angelfischereiverbands. - 1(2016), S. 17-26
January 2017
Thilo Pagel; Robert Arlinghaus
Fischbesatz in der organisierten deutschen Angelfischerei: Gesamtumfang, besetzte Arten und prototypische Herkunftswege
Fischerei & Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 16(2016)4, S. 34-42
December 2016
Josep Alos; Miquel Palmer; Rosario Rossello; Robert Arlinghaus
Fast and behavior-selective exploitation of a marine fish targeted by anglers
Scientific Reports. - 6(2016) art.38093
December 2016
J. Baer; R. Eckmann; R. Rösch; R. Arlinghaus; A. Brinker
Fischereimanagement am Bodensee-Obersee in einem mehrschichtigen Umfeld: Gewinner und Verlierer in einem Jahrhundert geprägt von menschlich verursachten Trophieschwankungen
Auf auf. - (2016)3, S. 3-10
November 2016
Julius Ensinger; Uwe Brämick; Erik Fladung; Malte Dorow; Robert Arlinghaus
Charakterisierung und Perspektiven der Angelfischerei in Norddeutschland
Schriften des Instituts für Binnenfischerei e. V., Potsdam-Sacrow; 44(2016)
November 2016
Robert Arlinghaus; Tobias Rapp
10 Regeln für den Fischbesatz
Fisch & Fang. - 57(2016)11, S. 16-21
November 2016
R. Arlinghaus; S. J. Cooke; S. G. Sutton; A. J. Danylchuk; W. Potts; K. de M. F. Fraire; J. Alos; E. T. da Silva; I. G. Cowx; R. van Anrooy
Recommendations for the future of recreational fisheries to prepare the social-ecological system to cope with change
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 23(2016)3-4, S. 177-186
November 2016
G. Polverino; D. Bierbach; S. S. Killen; S. Uusi-Heikkilä; R. Arlinghaus
Body length rather than routine metabolic rate and body condition correlates with activity and risk-taking in juvenile zebrafish Danio rerio
Journal of Fish Biology. - 89(2016)5, S. 2251-2267
November 2016
Robert Arlinghaus; Josep Alos; Ben Beardmore; Angela M. Diaz; Erik Eschbach; Robert Hagemenn; Daniel Hühn; Fiona Johnston; Thomas Klefoth; Kay Lübke; Shuichi Matsumura
Hechtbestandsmanagement in der Angelfischerei - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Hege über Besatz, Habitatmanagement und veränderte Fang- und Entnahmebestimmungen
Der Hecht (Esox lucius) / Red.: Malte Frerichs ... Hrsg.: Dt. Angelfischerverband. - Offenbach a. M., 2016. - S. 19-53
November 2016
Tonio Pieterek; Thomas Klefoth; Josep Alos; Robert Arlinghaus
Einflussfaktoren auf die anglerische Fangbarkeit von Hechten (Esox lucius)
Der Hecht (Esox lucius) / Red.: Malte Frerichs ... Hrsg.: Dt. Angelfischerverband. - Offenbach a. M., 2016. - S. 59-65
October 2016
Hillary G. M. Ward; Michael S. Allen; Edward V. Camp; Nick Cole; Len M. Hunt; Bryan Matthias; John R. Post; Kyle Wilson; Robert Arlinghaus
October 2016
Silva Uusi-Heikkilä; Kai Lindström; Noora Parre; Robert Arlinghaus; Josep Alos; Anna Kuparinen
Altered trait variability in response to size-selective mortality
Biology Letters. - 12(2016)9, art. 20160584
October 2016
Robert Arlinghaus; Daniel Hühn; Tobias Rapp
Experimente im Angelgewässer
Fisch & Fang. - 57(2016)11, S. 22-27
August 2016
Robert Arlinghaus; Kate L. Laskowski; Josep Alos; Thomas Klefoth; Christopher T. Monk; Shinnosuke Nakayama; Arne Schröder
Passive gear-induced timidity syndrome in wild fish populations and its potential ecological and managerial implications
Fish and Fisheries. - 18(2017)2, S. 360-373
August 2016
Arne Schröder; Gregor Kalinkat; Robert Arlinghaus
August 2016
Robert Arlinghaus; Matthias Emmrich; Daniel Hühn; Svenja Schälicke; Wolf-Christian Lewin; Thilo Pagel; Thomas Klefoth; Tobias Rapp
Ufergebundene Fischartenvielfalt fischereilich gehegter Baggerseen im Vergleich zu eiszeitlich entstandenen Naturseen in Norddeutschland
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 67(2016)8, S. 288-291
August 2016
Robert Arlinghaus; Thilo Pagel; Daniel Hühn; Tobias Rapp
Einheitsfanganalysen als praxisnahes Hilfsmittel zur Abschätzung der Fischbestandsentwicklung in Binnengewässern
Fischerei & [und] Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 16(2016)2, S. 30-41
July 2016
Shinnosuke Nakayama; Kate L. Laskowski; Thomas Klefoth; Robert Arlinghaus
June 2016
Steven J. Cooke; Edward H. Allison; T. Douglas Beard, Jr.; Robert Arlinghaus; Angela H. Arthington; Devin M. Bartley; Ian G. Cowx; Carlos Fuentevilla; Nancy J. Leonard; Kai Lorenzen; Abigail J. Lynch; Vivian M. Nguyen; So-Jung Youn; William W. Taylor; Robin L. Welcomme
On the sustainability of inland fisheries
Ambio. - 45(2016)7, S. 753-764
May 2016
E. D. Stevens; R. Arlinghaus; H. I. Browman; S. J. Cooke; I. G. Cowx; B. K. Diggkes; B. Key; J. D. Rose; W. Sawynok; A. Schwab; A. B. Skiftesvik; C. A. Watson; C. D. L. Wynne
May 2016
Josep Alos; Miquel Palmer; Salvador Balle; Robert Arlinghaus
May 2016
K. L. Laskowski; C. T. Monk; G. Polverino; J. Alos; S. Nakayama; G. Staaks; T. Mehner; R. Arlinghaus
Behaviour in a standardized assay, but not metabolic or4 growth rate, predicts behavioural variation in an adult aquatic top predator Esox lucius in the wild
Journal of Fish Biology. - 88(2016)4, S. 1544-1563
April 2016
Steven J. Cooke; Vivian M. Nguyen; John M. Dettmers; Robert Arlinghaus; Michael C. Quist; Denis Tweddle; Olaf L. F. Weyl; Rajeev Raghavan; Marcela Portocarrero-Aya; Edwin Agudelo Cordoba; Ian G. Cowx
Sustainable inland fisheries - perspectives from the recreational, commercial and subsistence sectors from around the globe
Conservation of freshwater fishes / ed. by Gerard P. Closs ... - Cambridge Univ. Pr., 2016. - ch. 15, S. 467-505
March 2016
Jun-chi Tsuboi; Kentaro Morita; Thomas Klefoth; Shinsuke Endou; Robert Arlinghaus
Behaviour-mediated alteration of positively size-dependent vulnerability to angling in response to historical fishing pressure in a freshwater salmonid
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 73(2016)3, S. 461-468
December 2015
Marie L. Fujitani; Andrew McFall; Christoph Randler; Robert Arlinghaus
Efficacy of lecture-based environmental education for biodiversity conservation
Journal of Applied Ecology. - 53(2016)1, S. 25-33
December 2015
Robert Arlinghaus; Josep Alos; Thomas Klefoth; Kate Laskowski; Christopher T. Monk; Shinnosuke Nakayama; Arne Schröder
Consumptive tourism causes timidity, rather than boldness, syndromes
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 31(2016)2, S. 92-94
October 2015
Robert Arlinghaus; Kai Lorenzen; Brett M. Johnson; Steven J. Cooke; Ian G. Cowx
Management of freshwater fisheries
Freshwater fisheries ecology / ed. by John F. Craig. - 1st ed. - Wiley, 2016. - ch. 6.3, S. 557-579
October 2015
Steven J. Cooke; Robert Arlinghaus; Brett M. Johnson; Ian G. Cowx
Recreational fisheries in inland waters
Freshwater fisheries ecology / ed. by John F. Craig. - 1st ed. - Wiley, 2016. - ch. 4.4, S. 449-465
January 2016
Eva-Maria Cyrus; Daniel Hühn; Kay Lübke; Robert Arlinghaus
Das Einsetzen von Kannibalen lohnt sich nicht
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 66(2015)1, S. 13-14
January 2016
Josep Alos; Robert Arlinghaus
Pfiffige Fische rund um Mallorca - und die Fischer gucken in die Röhre bzw. auf die regungslose Pose
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 66(2015)7, S. 256-257
January 2016
Ben Beardmore; Robert Arlinghaus; Len M. Hunt
Obituary Dr. Wolfgang Haider (1953-2015)
Human Dimensions of Wildlife. - 20(2015)6, S. 563-565
December 2015
Steven Gray; Johanna Hilsberg; Andrew McFall; Robert Arlinghaus
The structure and function of angler mental models about fish population ecology
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. - 12(2015), S. 1-13
September 2015
Sean J. Landsman; Eduardo G. Martins; Lee F. G. Gutowsky; Cory D. Suski; Robert Arlinghaus; Steven J. Cooke
Locomotor activity patterns of muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) assessed using tri-axial acceleration sensing acoustic transmitters
Environmental Biology of Fishes. - 98(2015)10, S. 2109-2121
August 2015
Josep Alos; Antoni Puiggros; Carlos Diaz-Gil; Miquel Palmer; Rosario Rossello; Robert Arlinghaus
August 2015
Chantal Ruppert-Winkel; Robert Arlinghaus; Sonja Deppisch; Klaus Eisenack; Daniela Gottschlich; Bernd Hirschl; Bettina Matzdorf; Tanja Mölders; Martina Padmanabhan; Kirsten Selbmann; Rafael Ziegler; Tobias Plieninger
Characteristics, emerging needs, and challenges of transdisciplinary sustainability science
Ecology and Society. - 20(2015)3, art. 13
July 2015
Thilo Pagel; Dorte Bekkevold; Stefan Pohlmeier; Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus
July 2015
David P. Philipp; Julie E. Claussen; Jeffrey B. Koppelman; Jeffrey A. Stein; Steven J. Cooke; Cory D. Suski; David H. Wahl; David A. H. Sutter; Robert Arlinghaus
Fisheries-induced evolution in Largemouth Bass
Black bass diversity : multidisciplinary science for conservation / Michael D. Tringali ... eds. - Bethesda, 2015. - (American Fisheries Society symposium ; 82). - S. 223-234
June 2015
Silva Uusi-Heikkilä; Andrew R. Whiteley; Anna Kuparinen; Shuichi Matsumura; Paul A. Venturelli; Christian Wolter; Jon Slate; Craig R. Primmer; Thomas Meinelt; Shaun S. Killen; David Bierbach; Giovanni Polverino; Arne Ludwig; Robert Arlinghaus
The evolutionary legacy of size-selective harvesting extends from genes to populations
Evolutionary Applications. - 8(2015)6, S. 597-620
May 2015
Henrik Bakthoft; Petr Zajicek; Thomas Klefoth; Jon C. Svendsen; Lene Jacobsen; Martin Wæver Pedersen; David March Morla; Christian Skov; Shinnosuke Nakayama; Robert Arlinghaus
Performance assessment of two whole-lake acoustic positional telemetry systems
PLoS One. - 10(2015)5, e0126534
May 2015
Ben Beardmore; Len M. Hunt; Wolfgang Haider; Malte Dorow; Robert Arlinghaus
Effectively managing angler satisfaction in recreational fisheries understanding the fish species and the anglers
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 72(2015)4, S. 500-513
February 2015
Josep Alos; Miquel Palmer; Pedro Trias; Carlos Diaz-Gil; Robert Arlinghaus
Recreational angling intensity correlates with alteration of vulnerability to fishing in a carnivorous coastal fish species
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 72(2015)2, S. 217-225
February 2015
Fiona D. Johnston; Ben Beardmore; Robert Arlinghaus
Optimal management of recreational fisheries in the presence of hooking mortality and noncompliance - predictions from a bioeconomic model incorporating a mechanistic model of angler behavior
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 72(2015)1, S. 37-53
January 2015
Daniel C. Gwinn; Michael S. Allen; Fiona D. Johnston; Paul Brown; R. Arlinghaus
Rethinking length-based fisheries regulations
Fish and Fisheries. - 16(2015)2, S. 259-281
July 2014
R. Arlinghaus; R. Tillner; M. Bork
Explaining participation rates in recreational fishing across industrialised countries
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 22(2015)1, S. 45-55
January 2015
Autoren: Robert Arlinghaus; Eva-Maria Cyrus; Erik Eschbach; Marie Fujitani; Daniel Hühn; Fiona Johnston; Thilo Pagel; Carsten Riepe. Hrsg.: Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei im Forschungsverbund Berlin
Hand in Hand für nachhaltigen Fischbesatz
December 2014
R. Arlinghaus; B. Beardmore; C. Riepe; J. Meyerhoff; T. Pagel
Species-specific preferences of German recreational anglers for freshwater fishing experiences, with emphasis on the intrinsic utilities of fish stocking and wild fishes
Journal of Fish Biology. - 85(2014)6, S. 1843-1867
December 2014
Martin Schwabe; Thomas Meinelt; Thuy M. Phan; Steven J. Cooke; Robert Arlinghaus
Absence of handling-induced Saprolegnia infection in juvenile rainbow trout with implications for catch-and-release angling
North American Journal of Fisheries Management. - 34(2014)6, S. 1221 - 1226
October 2014
S. J. Cooke; R. Arlinghaus; D. M. Bartley; T. D. Beard; I. G. Cowx; T. E. Essington; O. P. Jensen; A. Lynch; W. W. Taylor; R. Watson
Where the waters meet
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 71(2014)10, S. 1593-1601
September 2014
Daniel Hühn; Kay Lübke; Christian Skov; Robert Arlinghaus
Natural recruitment, density-dependent juvenile survival, and the potential for additive effects of stock enhancement
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. - 71(2014)10, S. 1508-1519
September 2014
Carsten Riepe; Robert Arlinghaus
Explaining anti-angling sentiments in the general population of Germany
Human Dimensions of Wildlife. - 19(2014)4, S. 371-390
July 2014
Robert Arlinghaus; Len M. Hunt; John R. Post; Michael S. Allen
Not fish, not meat
Future of fisheries : perspectives for emerging professionals / William W. Taylor ... (eds.). - Bethesda : American Fisheries Society, 2014. - S. 223-230
June 2014
Josep Alós; Miquel Palmer; Marta Linde-Medina; Robert Arlinghaus
Consistent size-independent harvest selection on fish body shape in two recreationally exploited marine species
Ecology and Evolution. - 4(2014)11, S. 2154-2164
June 2014
Robert Arlinghaus
Managing people
Foundations of fisheries science / ed. by Greg G. Sass ; Michael S. Allen ... - Bethesda, 2014. - S. 281-292
June 2014
M. Stålhammar; T. Fränstam; J. Lindström; J. Höjesjö; R. Arlinghaus; P. A. Nilsson
June 2014
Erik Eschbach; Arne W. Nolte; Klaus Kohlmann; Petra Kersten; Jochem Kail; Robert Arlinghaus
Population differentiation of zander (Sander lucioperca) across native and newly colonized ranges suggests increasing admixture in the course of an invasion
Evolutionary Applications. - 7(2014)5, S. 555-568
May 2014
Robert Arlinghaus
May 2014
Josep Alós; Miquel Palmer; Ignacio A. Catalan; Alexandre Alonso-Fernández; Gotzon Basterretxea; Antoni Jordi; Lucie Buttay; Beatriz Morales-Nin; Robert Arlinghaus
Selective exploitation of spatially structured coastal fish populations by recreational anglers may lead to evolutionary downsizing of adults
Marine Ecology Progress Series. - 503(2014), S. 219-233
March 2014
Daniel Hühn; Thomas Klefoth; Thilo Pagel; Petr Zajicek; Robert Arlinghaus
Impacts of external and surgery-based tagging techniques on small Northern Pike under field conditions
North American Journal of Fisheries Management. - 34(2014)2, S. 322-334
March 2014
Tobias Rapp; Jan Hallermann; Steven J. Cooke; Stefan K. Hetz; Sven Wuertz; Robert Arlinghaus
Consequences of air exposure on the physiology and behavior of caught-and-released Common Carp in the laboratory and under natural conditions
North American Journal of Fisheries Management. - 34(2014)2, S. 232-246
March 2014
Maja Schlüter; Jochen Hinkel; Pieter W. G. Bots; Robert Arlinghaus
Application of the SES framework for model-based analysis of the dynamics of social-ecological systems
Ecology and Society. - 19(2014)1, art. 36
March 2014
Matthias Emmrich; Svenja Schälicke; Daniel Hühn; Christian Lewin; Robert Arlinghaus
January 2014
Ane T. Laugen; Georg H. Engelhard; Rebecca Whitlock; Robert Arlinghaus; Dorothy J. Dankel; Erin S. Dunlop; Anne M. Eikeset; Katja Enberg; Christian Jørgensen; Shuichi Matsumura; Sébastien Nusslé; Davnah Urbach; Loic Baulier; David S. Boukal; Bruno Ernande; Fiona D. Johnston; Fabian Mollet; Heidi Pardoe; Nina O. Therkildsen; Silva Uusi-Heikkilä; Anssi Vainikka; Mikko Heino; Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp; Ulf Dieckmann
Evolutionary impact assessment
Fish and Fisheries. - 15(2014)1, S. 65-96
January 2013
J. D. Rose; R. Arlinghaus; S. J. Cooke; B. K. Diggles; W. Sawynok; E. D. Stevens; C. D. L. Wynne
Can fish really feel pain?
Fish and Fisheries. - 15(2014)1, S. 97-133
January 2014
Robert Arlinghaus; Eva-Maria Cyrus
Empfinden Fische Schmerzen?
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 64(2013)10, S. 369
January 2014
Petr Zajicek; Thomas Klefoth; Thomas Mehner; Robert Arlinghaus
Erfassung und Visualisierung der Gewässerstruktur (Tiefe und Unterwasserpflanzen) in Bezug zur Habitatwahl von Hechten (Esox lucius) in einem natürlichen See
GIS. Science. - 26(2013)4, S. 137-147
November 2013
Keno Ferter; Marc Simon Weltersbach; Harry Vincent Strehlow; Jon Helge Vølstad; Josep Alós; Robert Arlinghaus; Mike Armstrong; Malte Dorow; Martin de Graaf; Tessa van der Hammen; Kieran Hyder; Harold Levrel; Anton Paulrud; Krzysztof Radtke; Delphine Roclin; Claus Reedtz Sparrevohn; Pedro Veiga
Unexpectedly high catch-and-release rates in European marine recreational fisheries
ICES Journal of Marine Science. - 70(2013)7, S. 1319-1329
October 2013
Fiona D. Johnston; Robert Arlinghaus; Ulf Dieckmann
Fish life history, angler behaviour and optimal management of recreational fisheries
Fish and Fisheries. - 14(2013)4, S. 554-579
October 2013
Steven J. Cooke; Cory D. Suski; Robert Arlinghaus; Andy J. Danylchuk
Voluntary institutions and behaviours as alternatives to formal regulations in recreational fisheries management
Fish and Fisheries. - 14(2013)4, S. 439-457
October 2013
Katrin Daedlow; Volker Beckmann; Maja Schlüter; Robert Arlinghaus
August 2013
Jens Krause; Stefan Krause; Robert Arlinghaus; Ioannis Psorakis; Stephen Roberts; Christian Rutz
Reality mining of animal social systems
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 28(2013)9, S. 541-551
July 2013
Mikko Heino; Loic Baulier; David S. Boukal; Bruno Ernande; Fiona D. Johnston; Fabian M. Mollet; Heidi Pardoe; Nina O. Therkildsen; Silva Uusi-Heikkilä; Anssi Vainikka; Robert Arlinghaus; Dorothy J. Dankel; Erin S. Dunlop; Anne Maria Eikeset; Katja Enberg; Georg H. Engelhard; Christian Jørgensen; Ane T. Laugen; Shuichi Matsumura; Sébastien Nusslé; Davnah Urbach; Rebecca Whitlock; Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp; Ulf Dieckmann
Can fisheries-induced evolution shift reference points for fisheries management?
ICES Journal of Marine Science. - 70(2013)4, S. 707-721
June 2013
Thomas Klefoth; Christian Skov; Kim Aarestrup; Robert Arlinghaus
May 2013
Ben Beardmore; Wolfgang Haider; Len M. Hunt; Robert Arlinghaus
Evaluating the ability of specialization indicators to explain fishing preferences
Leisure Sciences. -35(2013)3, S. 273-292
March 2013
L. Heermann; M. Emmrich; M. Heynen; M. Dorow; U. König; J. Borcherding; R. Arlinghaus
Explaining recreational angling catch rates of Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 20(2013)2-3, S. 187-200
March 2013
E. P. Fenichel; B. Gentner; R. Arlinghaus
Normative considerations for recreational fishery management
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 20(2013)2-3, S. 223-233
March 2013
M. Dedual; O. Sague Pla; R. Arlinghaus; A. Clarke; K. Ferter; P. Geertz Hansen; D. Gerdeaux; F. Hames; S. J. Kennelly; A. R. Kleiven; A. Meraner; B. Ueberschär
Communication between scientists, fishery managers and recreational fishers
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 20(2013)2-3, S. 234-246
March 2013
M. S. Allen; R. N. M. Ahrens; M. J. Hansen; R. Arlinghaus
Dynamic angling effort influences the value of minimum-length limits to prevent recruitment overfishing
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 20(2013)2, S. 247-257
March 2013
S. J. Cooke; D. D. Raby; M. R. Donaldson; S. G. Hinch; C. M. O'Connor; R. Arlinghaus; A. J. Danylchuk; K. C. Hanson; T. D. Clark; D. A. Patterson
The physiological consequences of catch-and-release angling
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 20(2013)2-3, S. 268-287
March 2013
T. Klefoth; T. Pieterek; R. Arlinghaus
Impacts of domestication on angling vulnerability of common carp, Cyprinus carpio
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 20(2013)2-3, S. 174-186
March 2013
T. Jansen; R. Arlinghaus; T. D. Als; C. Skov
Voluntary angler logbooks reveal long-term changes in a lentic pike, Esox lucius, population
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 20(2013)2-3, S. 125-136
March 2013
L. M. Hunt; S. G. Sutton; R. Arlinghaus
Illustrating the critical role of human dimensions research for understanding and managing recreational fisheries within a social-ecological system framework
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 20(2013)2, S. 111-124
March 2013
R. Arlinghaus; S. J. Cooke; W. Potts
Towards resilient recreational fisheries on a global scale through improved understanding of fish and fisher behaviour
Fisheries Management and Ecology. - 20(2013)2, S. 91-98
November 2012
Robert Arlinghaus; Jens Krause
Wisdom of the crowd and natural resource management
Trends in Ecology and Evolution. - 28(2013)1, S. 8-11
October 2012
Josep Alós; Robert Arlinghaus
Impacts of partial marine protected areas on coastal fish communities exploited by recreational angling
Fisheries Research. - 137(2013)1, S. 88-96
March 2013
Robert Arlinghaus
Der Hecht im Küchenfenster
Fisch & [und] Fang. - 53(2012)3, S. 112-116
March 2013
Robert Arlinghaus
Welse und Karpfen sind sehr robust
Fisch & [und] Fang. - 53(2012)2, S. 24-27
March 2013
Robert Arlinghaus
Anglerwissen aus der Forschung
Fisch & [und] Fang. - 53(2012)6, S. 112-116
January 2013
Robert Arlinghaus; Eva-Maria Cyrus; Tobias Rapp; Jan Hallermann
Die Sache mit dem Karpfensack
Rute & Rolle. - (2012)11, S. 58-60
January 2013
Eva-Maria Cyrus; Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Klefoth
Auch Karpfen haben eine Persönlichkeit - zeigen das aber nur in gefährlichen Situationen
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 63(2012)9, S. 325
December 2012
Shuichi Matsumura; Robert Arlinghaus; Ulf Dieckmann
Standardizing selection strengths to study selection in the wild
BioScience. - 62(2012)12, S. 1039-1054
December 2012
David A. H. Sutter; Cory D. Suski; David P. Philipp; Thomas Klefoth; David H.Wahl; Petra Kersten; Steven J. Cooke; Robert Arlinghaus
Recreational fishing selectively captures individuals with the highest fitness potential
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 109(2012)51, S. 20960-20965
October 2012
Josep Alós; Miquel Palmer; Robert Arlinghaus
October 2012
Silva Uusi-Heikkilä : Linda Böckenhoff; Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus
August 2012
Thomas R. Binder; Michael A. Nannini; David H. Wahl; Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Klefoth; David P. Philipp; Steven J. Cooke
Largemouth bass selected for differential vulnerability to angling exhibit similar routine locomotory activity in experimental ponds
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. - 141(2012)5. - S. 1252-1259
May 2012
Malte Dorow; Robert Arlinghaus
The relationship between personal commitment to angling and the opinions and attitudes of German anglers towards the conservation and management of the European eel Anguilla anguilla
North American Journal of Fisheries Management. - 32(2012)3, S. 466-479
April 2012
Thomas Klefoth; Christian Skov; Jens Krause; Robert Arlinghaus
The role of ecological context and predation risk-stimuli in revealing the true picture about the genetic basis of boldness evolution in fish
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. - 66(2012)4, S. 547-559
March 2012
Robert Arlinghaus; Alexander Schwab; Carsten Riepe; Tara Teel
March 2012
Robert Arlinghaus; T. Douglas Beard; Steven J. Cooke; Ian G. Cowx
Benefits and risks of adopting the global code of practice for recreational fisheries
Fisheries. - 37(2012)4, S. 165-172
March 2012
Tobias Rapp; Jan Hallermann; Steven J. Cooke; Stefan K. Hetz; Sven Wuertz; Robert Arlinghaus
March 2012
Martin Stålhammar; Rasmus Linderfalk; Christer Brönmark; Robert Arlinghaus; P. Anders Nilsson
The impact of catch-and-release on the foraging behaviour of pike (Esox lucius) when released alone or into groups
Fisheries Research. - 125-126(2012) S. 51-56
March 2012
S. Uusi-Heikkilä; A. Kuparinen; C. Wolter; T. Meinelt; R. Arlinghaus
Paternal body size affects reproductive success in laboratory-held zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Environmental Biology of Fishes. - 93(2012)4, S. 461-474
January 2012
M. Schlüter; R. R. J. McAllister; R. Arlinghaus; N. Bunnefeld; K. Eisenack; F. Hölker; E. J. Milner-Gulland; B. Müller; E. Nicholson; M. Quaas; M. Stöven
New horizons for managing the environment
Natural Resource Modeling. - 25(2012)1, S. 219-272
April 2013
Robert Arlinghaus; Alexander Schwab
Five ethical challenges to recreational fishing
The angler in the environment / ed. by T. Douglas Beard ... - Bethesda, 2011. - (American Fisheries Society symposium ; 75). - S. 219-234
April 2013
Malte Dorow; Robert Arlinghaus
A telephone-diary-mail approach to survey recreational fisheries on large geographic scales, with a note on annual landings estimates by anglers in Northern Germany
The angler in the environment / ed. by T. Douglas Beard ... - Bethesda, 2011. - (American Fisheries Society symposium ; 75). - S. 319-344
April 2013
Katrin Daedlow; T. Douglas Beard; Robert Arlinghaus
A property rights-based view on management of inland recreational fisheries
The angler in the environment / ed. by T. Douglas Beard ... - Bethesda, 2011. - (American Fisheries Society symposium ; 75). - S. 13-38
April 2013
Daniel Hühn; Robert Arlinghaus
Determinants of hooking mortality in freshwater recreational fisheries
The angler in the environment / ed. by T. Douglas Beard ... - Bethesda, 2011. - (American Fisheries Society symposium ; 75). - S. 141-170
April 2013
Caleb T. Hasler; Alison H. Colotelo; Tobias Rapp; Elizabeth Jamieson; Karyne Bellehumeur; Robert Arlinghaus; Steven J. Cooke
Opinions of fisheries researchers, managers, and anglers towards recreational fishing issues
The angler in the environment / ed. by T. Douglas Beard ... - Bethesda, 2011. - (American Fisheries Society symposium ; 75). - S. 51-74
January 2012
Christian Skov; Anders Koed; Lars Baastrup-Spohr; Robert Arlinghaus
Dispersal, growth, and diet of stocked and wild northern pike fry in a shallow natural lake, with implications for the management of stocking programs
North American journal of fisheries management. - 31(2011)6, S. 1177-1186
November 2011
Ben Beardmore; Wolfgang Haider; Len M. Hunt; Robert Arlinghaus
The importance of trip context for determining promary angler motivation
North American journal of fisheries management. - 31(2011)5, S. 861-879
November 2011
T. Klefoth; A. Kobler; R. Arlinghaus
Behavioural and fitness consequences of direct and indirect non-lethal disturbances in a catch-and-release northern pike (Esox lucius) fishery
Knowledge and management of aquatic ecosystems. - 403(2011)11
October 2011
Len M. Hunt; Robert Arlinghaus; Nigel Lester; Rob Kushneriuk
The effects of regional angling effort, angler behavior, and harvesting efficiency on landscape patterns of overfishing
Ecological applications. - 21(2011)7, S. 2555-2575
October 2011
Ralf B. Schäfer; Steven J. Cooke; Robert Arlinghaus; Núria Bonada; François Brischoux; Andrew F. Casper; Jane A. Catford; Virginie Rolland
Perspectives from early career researchers on the publication process in ecology - a response to Statzner & Resh (2010)
Freshwater biology. - 56(2011)11, S. 2405-2412
August 2011
Brett T. van Poorten; Robert Arlinghaus; Katrin Daedlow; Susanne S. Haertel-Borer
Social-ecological interactions, management panaceas, and the future of wild fish populations
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. - 108(2011)30, S. 12554-12559
July 2011
T. Douglas Beard Jr.; Robert Arlinghaus; Steven J. Cooke; Peter B. McIntyre; Sena De Silva; Devin Bartley; Ian G. Cowx
Ecosystem approach to inland fisheries
Biology letters. - 7(2011)4, S. 481-483
May 2011
Fiona D. Johnston; Robert Arlinghaus; Jim Stelfox; John R. Post
Decline in angler use despite increased catch rates
Fisheries research. - 110(2011)1, S. 189-197
May 2011
Ben Beardmore; Malte Dorow; Wolfgang Haider; Robert Arlinghaus
April 2011
Katrin Daedlow; Volker Beckmann; Robert Arlinghaus
Assessing an adaptive cycle in a social system under external pressure to change
Ecology and society. - 16(2011)2, art. 3
April 2011
Constance M. O'Connor; Kathleen M. Gilmour; Robert Arlinghaus; Shuichi Matsumura; Cory D. Suski; David P. Philipp; Steven J. Cooke
The consequences of short-term cortisol elevation on individual physiology and growth rate in wild largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences. - 68(2011)4, S. 693-705
April 2011
Shuichi Matsumura; Robert Arlinghaus; Ulf Dieckmann
January 2011
S. Uusi-Heikkilä; A. Kuparinen; C. Wolter; T. Meinelt; A. C. O'Toole; R. Arlinghaus
Experimental assessment of the probabilistic maturation reaction norm
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London : ser. B, Biological sciences. - 278(2011), S. 709-717
February 2011
Philipp Freudenberg; Robert Arlinghaus
Benefits and constraints of outdoor recreation for people with physical disabilities
Leisure sciences. -32(2010)1, S. 55-71
November 2010
Tara D. Redpath; Stephen J. Cooke; Cory D. Suski; Robert Arlinghaus; Patrice Couture; David H. Wahl; David P. Philipp
The metabolic and biochemical basis of vulnerability to recreational angling after three generations of angling-induced selection in a teleost fish
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences. - 67(2010)12, S. 1983-1992
November 2010
Constance M. O'Connor; Kathleen M. Gilmour; Robert Arlinghaus; Caleb T. Hasler; David P. Philipp; Steven J. Cooke
Seasonal carryover effects following the administration of cortisol to a wild teleost fish
Physiological and biochemical zoology. - 83(2010)6, S. 950-957
November 2010
Tara L. Teel; Michael J. Manfredo; Frank S. Jensen; Arjen E. Buijs; Anke Fischer; Carsten Riepe; Robert Arlinghaus; Maarten H. Jacobs
Understanding the cognitive basis for human-wildlife relationships as a key to succesful protected-area management
International journal of sociology. - 40(2010)3, S. 104-123
September 2010
Fiona D. Johnston; Robert Arlinghaus; Ulf Dieckmann
Diversity and complexity of angler behaviour drive socially optimal input and output regulations in a bioeconomic recreational-fisheries model
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences. - 67(2010)9, S. 1507-1531
August 2010
Shuichi Matsumura; Robert Arlinghaus; Ulf Dieckmann
August 2010
S. Uusi-Heikkilä; C. Wolter; T. Meinelt; R. Arlinghaus
Size-dependent reproductive success of wild zebrafish Danio rerio in the laboratory
Journal of fish biology. - 77(2010), S. 552-569
July 2010
Anna Kuparinen; Thomas Klefoth; Robert Arlinghaus
Abiotic and fishing-related correlates of angling catch rates in pike (Esox lucius)
Fisheries research. - 105(2010)2, S. 111-117
July 2010
I. G. Cowx; R. Arlinghaus; S. J. Cooke
Harmonizing recreational fisheries and conservation objectives for aquatic biodiversity in inland waters
Journal of fish biology. - 76(2010)9, S. 2194-2215
May 2010
Robert Arlinghaus; Shuichi Matsumura; Ulf Dieckmann
The conservation and fishery benefits of protecting large pike (Esox lucius L.) by harvest regulations in recreational fishing
Biological conservation. - 143(2010)6, S. 1444-1459
March 2010
R. Arlinghaus; S. J. Cooke; I. G. Cowx
Providing context to the global code of practice for recrearional fisheries
Fisheries management and ecology. - 17(2010)2, S. 146-156
March 2010
M. Dorow; B. Beardmore; W. Haider; R. Arlinghaus
Winners and losers of conservation policies for European eel, Anguilla anguilla
Fisheries management and ecology. - 17(2010)2, S. 106-125
February 2010
R. Arlinghaus; A. Schwab; S. J. Cooke; I. G. Cowx
Contrasting pragmatic and suffering-centred approaches to fish welfare in recreational angling
Journal of fish biology. - 75(2009)10, S. 2448-2463
November 2009
Robert Arlinghaus; Steven J. Cooke
Recreational fisheries
Recreational hunting, conservation and rural livelihoods : science and practice / ed. by Barney Dickson ... - Oxford, 2009. - S. 39-58
November 2009
Malte Dorow; Ben Beardmore; Wolfgang Haider; Robert Arlinghaus
Using a novel survey technique to predict fisheries stakeholders' support for European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) conservation programs
Biological conservation. - 142(2009)S. 2973-2982
November 2009
Constance M. O'Connor; Kathleen M. Gilmour; Robert Arlinghaus; Glen Van Der Kraak; Steven J. Cooke
Stress and parental care in a wild teleost fish
Physiological and biochemical zoology. - 82(2009)6, S. 709-719
October 2009
Robert Arlinghaus; Wolfgang Kalweit; Malte Dorow; Katrin Daedlow
Die Stellung der Sozialwissenschaften in der deutschen Binnenfischereiforschung
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 60(2009)6, S. 226-227
October 2009
Malte Dorow; Robert Arlinghaus
Angelbegeisterung und anglerische Fischerträge in Binnen- und Küstengewässern Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Aals (Anguilla anguilla)
Fischerei & [und] Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 9(2009)2, S. 36-46
October 2009
Malte Dorow; Ben Beardmore; Wolfgang Haider; Robert Arlinghaus
Grad der Unterstützung für integrierte Aalmanagementpläne durch Angler in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Fischerei & [und] Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 9(2009)4, S. 33-46
October 2009
Malte Dorow; Ben Beardmore; Wolfgang Haider; Robert Arlinghaus
Gewinner und Verlierer geänderter Aalfangbestimmungen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Fischerei & [und] Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 9(2009)3, S. 30-44
September 2009
Alexander Kobler; Thomas Klefoth; Thomas Mehner; Robert Arlinghaus
Coexistence of behavioural types in an aquatic top predator
Oecologia. - 161(2009), S. 837-847
August 2009
Brett M. Johnson; Robert Arlinghaus; Patrick J. Martinez
Are we doing all we can to stem the tide of illegal fish stocking?
Fisheries. - 34(2009)8, S. 389-394
August 2009
Robert Arlinghaus; Shuichi Matsumura; Ulf Dieckmann
Quantifying selection differentials caused by recreational fishing
Evolutionary applications. - 2(2009), S. 335-355
August 2009
Tara D. Redpath; Steven J. Cooke; Robert Arlinghaus; David H. Wahl; David P. Philipp
Life-history traits and energetic status in relation to vulnerability to angling in an experimentally selected teleost fish
Evolutionary applications. - 2(2009), S. 312-323
June 2009
Josep Alós; Robert Arlinghaus; Miquel Palmer; David March; Itziar Álvarez
June 2009
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Klefoth; Steven J. Cooke; Andrew Gingerich; Cory Suski
Physiological and behavioural consequences of catch-and-release angling on northern pike (Esox lucius L.)
Fisheries research. - 97(2009), S. 223-233
January 2009
Øystein Aas; Robert Arlinghaus
New markets for recreational fishing
Wildlife and society : the science of human dimensions / ed. by Michael J. Manfredo ... - Washington, 2009. - chapter 17. - S. 229-243
July 2009
Robert Arlinghaus
Die Angelfischerei und ihre Stellung in der Gesellschaft
Pro Natur / Deutscher Anglerverband. - (2008), S. 11-25
March 2009
Christian Jørgensen; Katja Enberg; Erin S. Dunlop; Robert Arlinghaus; David S. Boukal; Keith Brander; Bruno Ernande; Anna Gårdmark; Fiona Johnston; Shuichi Matsumura; Heidi Pardoe; Kristina Raab; Alexandra Silva; Anssi Vainikka; Ulf Dieckmann; Mikko Heino; Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp
The role of fisheries-induced evolution - response
Science. - 320(2008)5872, S. 48-50
January 2009
Wolf-Christian Lewin; Daryl Peter McPhee; Robert Arlinghaus
Biological impacts of recreational fishing resulting from exploitation, stocking and introduction
Global challenges in recreational fisheries / ed. by Øystein Aas. - Oxford, 2008. - S. 75-92
January 2009
Robert Arlinghaus
The challenge of ethical angling
Global challenges in recreational fisheries / ed. by Øystein Aas. - Oxford, 2008. - S. 223-236
January 2009
Thomas Meinelt; Robert Arlinghaus; K. Jendrusch
Legislative treatment and current status of competitive fishing in Germany
Global challenges in recreational fisheries / ed. by Øystein Aas. - Oxford, 2008. - S. 254-259
January 2009
Ian G. Cowx; Robert Arlinghaus
Recreational fisheries in the twenty-first century
Global challenges in recreational fisheries / ed. by Øystein Aas. - Oxford, 2008. - S. 338-352
January 2009
Robert Arlinghaus
The social, economic and ecological importance of recreational fishing in Germany
Ecosystem services of natural and semi-natural ecosystems and ecologically sound land use. - Bonn, 2008. - (BfN-Skripten / Bundesamt für Naturschutz ; 237). - S. 103-108
January 2009
Robert Arlinghaus; Ian G. Cowx
Meaning and relevance of the ecosystem approach to recreational fisheries management
Global challenges in recreational fisheries / ed. by Øystein Aas. - Oxford, 2008. - S. 56-74
January 2009
Robert Arlinghaus
The social and economic significance of recreational fishing in Germany
Global challenges in recreational fisheries / ed. by Øystein Aas. - Oxford, 2008. - S. 25-30
January 2009
Philipp Freudenberg; Robert Arlinghaus
Differences between organized and nonorganized anglers in an urban environment (Berlin, Germany) and the social capital of angler organizations
Urban and community fisheries programs / ed. by Richard T. Eades ... - Bethesda, 2008. - (American Fisheries Society symposium ; 67). - S. 113-132
January 2009
Robert Arlinghaus
Social barriers to sustainable recreational fisheries management under quasicommon property fishing rights regime
Reconciling fisheries with conservation / ed. by Jennifer Nielsen ... - Bethesda, 2008. - (American Fisheries Society symposium ; 49). - S. 105-122
January 2009
Robert Arlinghaus; Shuichi, Matsumura; Paul Venturelli
Größenselektive Angelfischerei und ihre möglichen populationsdynamischen Auswirkungen
Fischerei und Naturschutz. - 10(2008), S. 83-104
January 2009
R. Arlinghaus; T. Klefoth; A. J. Gingerich; M. R. Donaldson; K. C. Hanson; S. J. Cooke
Behaviour and survival of pike, Esox lucius, with a retained lure in the lower jaw
Fisheries management and ecology. - 15(2008)5-6, S. 459-466
January 2009
Robert Arlinghaus; Brett M Johnson; Christian Wolter
The past, present and future role of limnology in freshwater fisheries science
International review of hydrobiology. - 93(2008)4-5, S. 541-549
January 2009
E. F. Granek; E. M. P. Madin; M. A. Brown; W. Figueira; D. S. Cameron; Z. Hogan; G. Kristianson; P. de Villiers; J. E. Williams; J. Post; S. Zahn; R. Arlinghaus
Engaging recreational fishers in management and conservation
Conservation biology. - 22(2008)5, S. 1125-1134
January 2009
Tobias Rapp; Steven J. Cooke; Robert Arlinghaus
Exploitation of specialised fisheries resources
Fisheries research. - 94(2008)1, S. 79-83
January 2009
Robert Arlinghaus; Martin Bork; Erik Fladung
January 2009
A. Kobler; T. Klefoth; R. Arlinghaus
Site fidelity and seasonal changes in activity centre size of female pike Esox lucius in a small lake
Journal of fish biology. - 73(2008)3, S. 584-596
January 2009
Lisa A. Thompson; Steven J. Cooke; Michael R. Donaldson; Kyle C. Hanson; Andrew Gingerich; Thomas Klefoth; Robert Arlinghaus
Physiology, behavior, and survival of angled and air-exposed largemouth bass
North American journal of fisheries management. - 28(2008), S. 1059-1068
January 2009
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Klefoth; Alexander Kobler; Steven J. Cooke
Size selectivity, injury, handling time, and determinants of initial hooking mortality in recreational angling for northern pike
North American journal of fisheries management. - 28(2008)1, S. 123-134
January 2009
T. Klefoth; A. Kobler; R. Arlinghaus
January 2009
A. Kobler; T. Klefoth; C. Wolter; F. Fredrich; R. Arlinghaus
Contrasting pike (Esox lucius L.) movement and habitat choice between summer and winter in a small lake
Hydrobiologia. - 601(2008), S. 17-27
January 2009
Silva Uusi-Heikkilä; Christian Wolter; Thomas Klefoth; Robert Arlinghaus
A behavioral perspective on fishing-induced evolution
Trends in ecology and evolution. - 23(2008)8, S. 419-421
March 2008
T. Rapp; T. Meinelt; A. Krüger; R. Arlinghaus
Acute toxicity of preservative chemicals in organic baits used in carp, Cyprinus carpio, recreational fishing
Fisheries management and ecology. - 15(2008)2, S. 163-166
January 2009
Robert Arlinghaus; Steven J. Cooke; Jon Lyman; David Policancky; Alexander Schwab; Cory Suski; Stephen G. Sutton; Eva B. Thorstad
Understanding the complexity of catch-and-release in recretional fishing
Reviews in fisheries science. - 15(2007)1-2, S. 75-167
April 2008
R. Arlinghaus; J. Hallermann
Effects of air exposure on mortality and growth of undersized pikeperch, Sander lucioperca, at low water temperatures with implications for catch-and-release fishing
Fisheries management and ecology. - 14(2007)2, S. 155-160
April 2008
R. Arlinghaus
Voluntary catch-and-release can generate conflict within the recreational angling community
Fisheries management and ecology. - 14(2007)2, S. 161-171
April 2008
Robert Arlinghaus; Daniel Hühn
Auf Wiedersehen!
Fisch & [und] Fang. - 48(2007)12, S. 41-44
April 2008
Malte Dorow; Robert Arlinghaus
Die Bedeutung der Angelfischerei in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der zurückgehenden Ressource Aal
Fischerei & [und] Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 7(2007)2, S. 21-26
April 2008
Andrew J. Gingerich; Steven J. Cooke; Kyle C. Hanson; Michael R. Donaldson; Caleb T. Hasler; Cory D. Suski; Robert Arlinghaus
April 2008
Daniel Hühn; Robert Arlinghaus
Auswirkungen des Fangen-und-Zurücksetzens auf in Deutschland heimische Fischarten sowie deren nahe Verwandte
Fischerei & [und] Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 7(2007)3, S. 35-45
April 2008
Christian Jørgensen; Katja Enberg; Erin S. Dunlop; Robert Arlinghaus; David S. Boukal; Keith Brander; Bruno Ernande; Anna Gårdmark; Fiona Johnston; Shuichi Matsumura; Heidi Pardoe; Kristina Raab; Alexandra Silva; Anssi Vainikka; Ulf Dieckmann; Mikko Heino; Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp
Managing evolving fish stocks
Science. - 318(2007)5854, S. 1247-1248
March 2008
Katrin Daedlow; Robert Arlinghaus; Volker Beckmann
Collective choice on different spatial levels and over time
The challenge of self-governance in complex, globalizing economies / Elinor Ostrom ; Achim Schlüter. - S. 33-79. - (Arbeitsbericht / Universität Freiburg, Institut für Forstökonomie ; 47)
March 2008
Thomas Meinelt; Robert Arlinghaus
Die Bedeutung großer Tiere im Fischereimanagement
Fischerei & [und] Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 7(2007)4, S. 31-37
January 2012
Robert Arlinghaus; Wolf-Christian Lewin
Dokumentierte und vermutete biologische Auswirkungen einer intensiven Angelfischerei und Ausblick für das Management
Integrierter Gewässerschutz für Binnengewässer : 4. Stechlin-Forum. - (2006), S. 55-76
October 2011
Robert Arlinghaus
Understanding recreational angling participation in Germany
Human dimensions of wildlife. - 11(2006)4, S. 229-240
October 2011
Wolf-Christian Lewin; Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Mehner
Documented and potential biological impacts of recreational fishing
Reviews in fisheries science. - 14(2006)4, S. 305-367
June 2008
Robert Arlinghaus
On the apparently striking disconnect between motivation and satisfaction in recreational fishing
North American journal of fisheries management. - 26(2006)3, S. 595-605
August 2006
Robert Arlinghaus
Overcoming human obstacles to conservation of recreational fishery resources, with emphasis on central Europe
Environmental conservation. - 33(2006)1, S. 46-59
March 2012
Robert Arlinghaus
Der Mensch als Schlüsselfaktor beim nachhaltigen Management in der Angelfischerei
Fischerei & [und] Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 5(2005)2, S. 25-33
December 2011
Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus; Ulrich A. Grosch; Andreas Vilcinskas
Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Fische und Neunaugen (Pisces et Cyclostomata) von Berlin
Rote Listen der gefährdeten Pflanzen und Tiere von Berlin / Christoph Saure ... Hrsg.: Der Landesbeauftragte für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege. - Berlin, 2005. - S. 1-9
November 2005
Robert Arlinghaus
Die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung der Freizeitfischerei in Deutschland aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht und Ausblick in die Zukunft
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 56(2005)11, S. 423-427
August 2005
Robert Arlinghaus
A conceptual framework to identify and understand conflicts in recreational fisheries systems, with implications for sustainable management
Aquatic resources, culture and development. - 1(2005)2, S. 145-174
May 2005
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Mehner
Determinants of management preferences of recreational anglers in Germany
Limnologica. - 35(2005)1-2, S. 2-17
March 2005
Robert Arlinghaus; Stephen J. Cooke
Global impact of recreational fisheries
Science. - 307(2005)5715, S. 1561-1562
March 2005
Robert Arlinghaus
Der Mensch als Schlüsselfaktor beim nachhaltigen Management in der Angelfischerei
Fischerei & [und] Fischmarkt in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - 5(2005)1, S. 26-36
March 2005
R. Arlinghaus; M. Niesar
Nutrient digestibility of angling baits for carp, Cyprinus carpio, with implications for groundbait formulation and eutrophication control
Fisheries management and ecology. - 12(2005)2, S. 91-97
March 2005
von Kai Jendrusch und Robert Arlinghaus
Catch & [and] Release
Agrar- und Umweltrecht. - 35(2005)2, S. 48-51
February 2005
Robert Arlinghaus
Können fischereiliche Ressourcen genutzt und gleichzeitig geschützt werden oder schließt Nutzung einen effektiven Schutz aus?
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 56(2005)2, S. 49-51
April 2011
Christian Wolter; Robert Arlinghaus; Alexander Sukhodolov; Christof Engelhardt
A model of navigation-induced currents in inland waterways and implications for juvenile fish displacement
Environmental management. - 34(2004)5, S. 656-668
March 2005
Phil Hickley; Robert Arlinghaus; Richard Tyner; Miran Aprahamian; Ken Parry; Matthew Carter
Rehabilitation of urban lake fisheries for angling by managing habitat
Ecohydrology and hydrobiology. - 4(2004)4, S. 365-378
March 2005
T. Mehner; R. Arlinghaus; S. Berg; H. Dörner; L. Jacobsen; P. Kasprzak; R. Koschel; T. Schulze; C. Skov; C. Wolter; K. Wysujack
How to link biomanipulation and sustainable fisheries management
Fisheries management and ecology. - 11(2004)3-4, S. 261-275
January 2005
Robert Arlinghaus
Vergessene Schätze
Modernes Karpfenangeln /Wulf Plickat. - Stuttgart : Kosmos, 2004. - S. 85-86
October 2004
Robert Arlinghaus
Gedanken zur Notwendigkeit des gemeinsamen Erhaltes der Landwirtschaftlich-Gärtnerischen Fakultät und des fischereilichen Masterstudienganges in Berlin
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 55(2004)7, S. 735-736
October 2004
Robert Arlinghaus
Nachhaltiges Angelfischereimanagement in anthropogen degradierten Gewässern
Über Fische und Fischerei in durch Eingriff des Menschen veränderten Fließgewässern / hrsg. von Günter Keiz. - (Fischerei und Naturschutz ; 6/2004), S. 79-102
June 2004
M. Niesar; R. Arlinghaus; B. Rennert; T. Mehner
Coupling insights from a carp, Cyprinus carpio, angler survey with feeding experiments to evaluate composition, quality and phosphorus input of groundbait in coarse fishing
Fisheries management and ecology. - 11(2004)3-4, S. 225-235
June 2004
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Mehner
A management-orientated comparative analysis of urban and rural anglers living in a metropolis (Berlin, Germany)
Environmental management. - 33(2004)3, S. 331-344
February 2004
R. Arlinghaus; T. Mehner
Testing the reliability and construct validity of a simple and inexpensive procedure to measure the use value of recreational fishing
Fisheries management and ecology. - 11(2004)1, S. 61-64
May 2013
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Mehner
Characteristics of anglers living in the metropolitan area of Berlin (Germany)
Regional experiences for global solutions : the 3rd World Recreational Fishing Conference 21 - 24 May 2002 / ed. by John Harrison and Anne P. M. Coleman. - Darwin, 2003. - S. 117-120
January 2004
von Robert Arlinghaus
Argumente für "Catch & Release" bei der Angelfischerei in Deutschland
Agrar- und Umweltrecht. - 33(2003)12, S. 367-370
November 2003
Robert Arlinghaus
Entwicklungstrends der internationalen Angelfischereiforschung und deren Relevanz für Deutschland
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 54(2003)1, S. 27-29
November 2003
C. Wolter; R. Arlinghaus
Navigation impacts on freshwater fish assemblages
Reviews in fish biology and fisheries. - 13(2003)1, S. 63-89
November 2003
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Mehner
Über die Anglervielfalt und die Notwendigkeit detaillierter Studien zur Angelfischerei in Deutschland
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 54(2003)6. - S. 204-207
November 2003
R. Arlinghaus; C. Wolter
Amplitude of ecological potential
Journal of applied ichthyology. - 19(2003)1, S. 52-54
June 2003
R. Arlinghaus; M. Wirth; B. Rennert
Digestibility measurements in juvenile tench [Tinca tinca (L.)] by using a continuous filtration device for fish faeces
Journal of applied ichthyology. - 19(2003)3, S. 152-156
June 2003
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Mehner
Management preferences of urban anglers
Fisheries. - 28(2003)6, S. 10-17
April 2003
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Mehner
March 2003
Robert Arlinghaus
Die Petersen Methode
Carp connect. - (2003)19, S. 12-15
March 2014
R. Arlinghaus; M. Pfeifer; U. A. Grosch; Ch. Wolter
Fischerei im Spree-Einzugsgebiet früher und heute
Die Spree / hrsg. von Jan Köhler ... - Stuttgart : Schweizerbart, 2002. - S. 210-220. - (Limnologie aktuell ; 10)
June 2011
Christof Engelhardt; Matthias Brunke; Robert Arlinghaus; Alexander Sukhodolov
Der Einfluss des Schiffsverkehrs auf die hydraulischen Verhältnisse in ufernahen Habitaten von Wasserstraßen
Die Elbe - neue Horizonte des Flussgebietsmanagements / Walter Geller ... (Hrsg.). - Stuttgart, 2002. - S. 301-302
November 2003
Robert Arlinghaus; Reiner Knösche; Klaus Wysujack
Einfluss des Binnenfischereimanagements auf die Süßwasserökosysteme
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 53(2002)12. - S. 480-482
October 2003
Michael Niesar; Robert Arlinghaus
Pro und Contra, Anfüttern oder der Einfluss des Angelfutters auf das Fischwachstum
Carp mirror. - (2002)4, S. 12-16
October 2003
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Mehner
Das Millionengeschäft Karpfenangeln
Carp mirror. - (2002)6, S. 16-19
October 2003
Robert Arlinghaus
Ist das Karpfenangeln noch zu retten?
Carp mirror. - (2002)4, S. 90-93
April 2003
R. Arlinghaus; C. Engelhardt; A. Sukhodolov; C. Wolter
Fish recruitment in a canal with intensive navigation
Journal of fish biology. - 61(2002)6, S. 1386-1402
January 2003
Robert Arlingshaus; Thomas Mehner; Ian G. Cowx
Reconciling traditional inland fisheries management and sustainability in industrialized countries, with emphasis on Europe
Fish and fisheries. - 3(2002)4, S. 261-316
August 2018
Robert Arlinghaus
Anfüttern : richtig angefüttert und die schwersten eines Gewässers beissen zuerst!
Carp mirror. - (2001)5, S. 38-42
January 2014
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Mehner; Christian Wolter
Die Debatte um Nachhaltigkeit - Notwendigkeit und Chance für die deutsche Binnenfischerei
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 52(2001)7, S. 262-265
January 2014
Oliver Jankowitsch; Robert Arlinghaus; Frank Kirschbaum
Neustrukturierung des Berliner fischereilichen Diplom-Studienganges
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 52(2001)8, S. 303-305
June 2009
Robert Arlinghaus; Christian Wolter
Untersuchung des Jungfischaufkommens im Oder-Havel-Kanal unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Blocksteinschüttungen
Fischer und Teichwirt. - 52(2001)12, S. 472-474
November 2003
Robert Arlinghaus; Thomas Mehner
Was unterscheidet auf Karpfen angelnde Boilieangler vom "Durchschnittsangler"?
Carp connect. - (2001)9, S. 12-15 u. 64-67
What Is(n’t) Environmental Stewardship? Eliciting Unspoken Assumptions Using Fisheries as a Model
Stakeholder workshops on western Baltic cod fisheries–conflict and consensus in the face of a highly dynamic ecosystem
How quota cuts, recreational fishing, and predator conservation can shape coastal commercial fishery efforts
Vergnügliches Scheitern
Durch die Augen eines Räubers
Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Kabeljaus oder Dorsches
Angeln auf Dorsch
A One Health perspective on recreational fisheries
Effective governance of marine recreational fisheries in Europe is needed to maximize the societal benefits of its fisheries
Getting Scarce and Lure Shy: Impacts of Recreational Fishing on Coastal Northern Pike (Esox lucius) Abundance, Size Structure and Vulnerability to Angling
Tracking aquatic animals for fisheries management in European waters
Recreational killing of wild animals can foster environmental stewardship
Catch uncertainty and recreational fishing attraction: Propositions and future research directions
Evolutionary changes in cognition due to fisheries mortality?
Circadian-related behavioural types in free-living marine fish revealed by high-throughput telemetry
Replicated whole-lake experiment reveals the ineffectiveness of stocking five example fish species in small lakes
Learning, thinking, sharing, and working across boundaries in fisheries science
Psychological commitment of freshwater anglers and its relation to their preferences for stocking and other management actions
Zukunft von Berufsfischerei, Angelfischerei, Aquakultur und Fischartenschutz in Deutschland
Ökologische Auswirkung von Freizeitaktivitäten an Gewässern - eine globale Metaanalyse
Electronic tagging and tracking aquatic animals to understand a world increasingly shaped by a changing climate and extreme weather events
Impact of water-based recreation on aquatic and riparian biodiversity of small lakes
How involvement drives decision rules behind stated preferences for recreational-fisheries management
Fischgemeinschaften kleiner Seen: Einfluss der Seeentstehung und fischereilichen Bewirtschaftung
Abwägungen der Nutzen und Kosten von Lebensraumaufwertungen an Baggerseen: [Kapitel 9]
Einführung in das Ökosystem Baggersee: [Kapitel 2]
Biodiversitätsausstattung von Baggerseen: [Kapitel 5]
Nutzung und angelfischereiliches Management von Baggerseen aus Sicht von Anglerinnen und Anglern sowie der Bevölkerung: [Kapitel 6]
Einfluss der anglerischen Bewirtschaftung und des Angelns auf die Biodiversität an Baggerseen: [Kapitel 7]
Förderung der Biodiversität an Baggerseen durch Lebensraummanagement und Besatz: [Kapitel 8]
Planung und Kommunikation bei der Durchführung von lebensraumaufwertenden Maßnahmen an Baggerseen: [Kapitel 10]
Synthese: Harmonisierung von Schutz und Nutzung durch Angeln am Baggersee: [Kapitel 11]
Rechtlicher Rahmen von Lebensraumaufwertungen, Schutzgebietsmanagement und Besatz im Rahmen der fischereilichen Hege: [Kapitel 3]
Einleitung: Baggerseen und Angelfischerei: [Kapitel 1]
Es geht um etwas
Mehr als nur Fische fangen
Biologische und fischereiliche Aspekte zum Flussbarsch (Perca fluviatilis) sowie Praxistipps für die Bewirtschaftung
Economic impact of resident and nonresident marine anglers to the local economy in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany
Chronotypes‑personality behavioural syndromes in wild marine fish
A pan-Baltic assessment of temporal trends in coastal pike populations
Reasons to Be Skeptical about Sentience and Pain in Fishes and Aquatic Invertebrates
The power and promise of interdisciplinary international research networks to advance movement ecology
Positioning aquatic animals with acoustic transmitters
Corroborating otolith age using oxygen isotopes and comparing outcomes to scale age: consequences for estimation of growth and reference points in northern pike (Esox lucius)
A global review of marine recreational spearfishing
Diversity of Anglers: Drivers and Implications for Fisheries Management: [Chapter 5]
Global Participation and Attitudes toward Recreational Fishing: [Chapter 2]
Environmental determinants of coarse woody habitat in gravel pit lakes
Rhythm of relationships in a social fish over the course of a full year in the wild
Projekt BODDENHECHT erfolgreich abgeschlossen – Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen
Metadata for biodiversity data of gravel pit lakes in Northern Germany
Situational social influence leading to non-compliance with conservation rules
Lake depth alters the trajectory of ontogenetic niche shifts in Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) in small lakes
Patterns of genetic variation in native and non‑native populations of European catfish Silurus glanis across Europe
Global responses to the COVID-19 pandemic by recreational anglers: considerations for developing more resilient and sustainable fisheries
Size-selective harvesting impacts learning and decision-making in zebrafish, Danio rerio
Aufwertung von Uferstrukturen an Baggerseen: Anglerinnen und Angler können Artenvielfalt fördern: Projekt BAGGERSEE: Naturschutz und Naturnutzung in Einklang bringen
Biologische und fischereiliche Aspekte zum Flussbarsch (Perca fluviatilis) sowie Praxistipps für die Bewirtschaftung
Change points in marine recreational fisheries – The impact of stock status and fisheries regulations: a case from the western Baltic Sea
Co-designing management recommendations with stakeholders: a case study about northern pike (Esox lucius) in the southern Baltic Sea
Veränderung von Fischbeständen und Umweltfaktoren an den inneren Küstengewässern („Bodden“) Mecklenburg- Vorpommerns aus Sicht von Berufsfischern und Anglern
Subsidies, Temporary Laying-Up, and Efficiency in a Coastal Commercial Fishery
Re-launch of Fish and Fisheries Special Issues and call for proposals
Schwimmer oder Steher: [Projekt Boddenhecht IGB]
Ecosystem-based management outperforms species-focused stocking for enhancing fish populations
Willingness to pay for harvest regulations and catch outcomes in recreational fisheries: a stated preference study of German cod anglers
Body size scaling of space use in coastal pike (Esox lucius) in brackish lagoons of the southern Baltic Sea
Perceived socio-cultural ecosystem services provided by wild Atlantic Salmon populations in four European countries
Ecosystem service trade-offs at small lakes: preferences of the public and anglers
Vor dem Fisch sind alle gleich
Nichts als Gestrüpp?
Doofes Unterwasserschwein? Von wegen!
Fische und Fischerei erforschen: Wenn Karpfen lernen, den Köder auszuspucken
Angeln ist mehr als Fischefangen: Was bewegt vor allem Männer, am Ufer zu warten, dass ein Tier anbeißt?
Gesellschaftliche Bedeutung der Erwerbsfischerei und Einflussfaktoren auf die Küstenfischerei Mecklenburg- Vorpommerns aus Sicht von Berufsfischern
Reviving the unique potential of recreational fishers as environmental stewards of aquatic ecosystems
Evolutionary implications of size-selective mortality on the ontogenetic development of shoal cohesion: a neurochemical approach using a zebrafish, Danio rerio, harvest selection experiment
Digital data help explain drivers of angler satisfaction: an example from Southern Norway
Fish community composition in small lakes: the impact of lake genesis and fisheries management
Overturning stereotypes: the fuzzy boundary between recreational and subsistence inland fisheries
How catch uncertainty and harvest regulations drive anglers’ choice for pike (Esox lucius) fishing in the Baltic Sea
Influence of protected riparian areas on habitat structure and biodiversity in and at small lakes managed by recreational fisheries
Global dataset of species-specific inland recreational fisheries harvest for consumption
Ökologie und Management von Brackwasserhechten (Esox lucius) in der Ostsee: Ein Symposiumsbericht, Teil 2
Matching of resource use and investment according to waterbody size in recreational fisheries
Digital fisheries data in the Internet age: emerging tools for research and monitoring using online data in recreational fisheries
The Ocean’s whistleblower: the remarkable life and work of Daniel Pauly
Recreational angling and spearfishing on social media: insights on harvesting patterns, social engagement and sentiments related to the distributional range shift of a marine invasive species
Naturnahe Gestaltung von Uferzonen an Baggerseen: Chancen – Schwierigkeiten – Potentiale : Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungs- und Umsetzungsprojekt BAGGERSEE
Evolutionary impact of size-selective harvesting on shoaling behavior: individual-level mechanisms and possible consequences for natural and fishing mortality
Investigating angler satisfaction: the relevance of catch, motives and contextual conditions
Sender-Hechte geben erste Wanderstrecken preis: [Projekt Boddenhecht IGB]
Ökologie und Management von Brackwasserhechten (Esox lucius) in der Ostsee: Ein Symposiumsbericht, Teil 1
Big-data approaches lead to an increasedunderstanding of the ecology of animal movement
Data-poor stock assessment of fish stocks co-exploited by commercial and recreational fisheries: applications to pike Esox lucius in the western Baltic Sea
Where Do the Fish Go?
„Wie kommen wir zurecht?“: Welche Folgen hat die Corona-Pandemie? Sechs Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler berichten
Fishing-induced versus natural selection in different brown trout (Salmo trutta) strains
Bodden: Hechte mit Rucksäcken unterwegs: [Projekt Boddenhecht IGB]
Ja, wo schwimmen sie denn?
Rügens Rucksackhechte
Boddenhechte mit Rucksäcken unterwegs!: Projekt Boddenhecht – aktueller Stand der Studie
Angeln in der Mitte der Gesellschaft: die öffentliche Wahrnehmung der Freizeitfischerei mit der Angel in den alten und neuen Bundesländern
Network analysis of intra- and interspecific freshwater fish interactions using year-around tracking
The human dimensions of recreational anglers targeting freshwater species in coastal ecosystems, with implications for management
A day on the shore - Ecological impacts of non-motorised recreational activities in and around inland water bodies
Species-specific vulnerability to angling and its size-selectivity in sympatric stream salmonids
Ecological impacts of water-based recreational activities on freshwater ecosystems: a global meta-analysis
Fisheries-induced changes of shoaling behaviour: mechanisms and potential consequences
Mental health and fisheries: an understudied topic of global relevance
Reproductive hyperallometry and managing the world’s fisheries
Contrasting the motivations and wildlife-related value orientations of recreational fishers with participants of other outdoor and indoor recreational activities
Quantitative estimates of freshwater fish stocking practices by recreational angling clubs in France
A role for lakes in revealing the nature of animal movement using high dimensional telemetry systems
High-throughput tracking of social networks in marine fish populations
Recreational angler satisfaction: what drives it?
Values, beliefs, norms, and conservation-oriented behaviors toward native fish biodiversity in rivers: evidence from four European Countries
How regulations can affect the evolutionary impacts of recreational harvests on fish and mammals: [Chapter 12]
Environmental determinants of fish abundance in the littoral zone of gravel pit lakes
Zeitschrift für Fischerei – Deutschlands erste Open-Access Fachzeitschrift für alle Belange der Fischerei
Technological innovations in the recreational fishing sector: implications for fisheries management and policy
A bright spot analysis of inland recreational fisheries in the face of climate change: learning about adaptation from small successes
Plastic pollution in rivers and lakes: an indicator of an even bigger consequence of global change?
Representing human behaviour in ecosystem models
The battle between harvest and natural selection creates small and shy fish
Analyzing publicly available videos about recreational fishing reveals key ecological and social insights: a case study about groupers in the Mediterranean Sea
Size‐selective mortality induces evolutionary changes in group risk‐taking behaviour and the circadian system in a fish
Global participation in and public attitudes toward recreational fishing: international perspectives and developments
Performance of a novel system for high-resolution tracking of marine fish societies
A global perspective on the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on freshwater fish biodiversity
Männersache! Aber warum?
Dorch und Boddenhecht - Was tun?
Wissenschaftskommunikation gewinnbringend gestalten: Beispiele aus dersozial-ökologischen Fischereiforschung
Einfluss anglerischer Bewirtschaftung auf die Biodiversität von Baggerseen: eine vergleichende Studie verschiedener gewässergebundener Organismengruppen
Klare Kante an der Küste: diese Umfrage hilft Dorsch und Bodden-Hecht
Was Ihr wollt!
Ihr kleiner Typ-Berater : Angler-Typen
Species-specific preference heterogeneity in German freshwater anglers, with implications for management
Hechte am Haken der Wissenschaft
Forellenseen : Vom bösen Angelteich – Hoch lebe der Angelteich: eine wissenschaftliche Perspektive auf den "Forellenpuff"
Neue Wege bei der Hege : es muss nicht immer Fischbesatz sein
Fischbesatz ist kein Allheilmittel
Data mining on YouTube reveals fisher group-specific harvesting patterns and social engagement in recreational anglers and spearfishers
Field surveying of marine recreational fisheries in Norway using a novel spatial sampling frame reveals striking under-coverage of alternative sampling frames
Expanding conservation culturomics and iEcology from terrestrial to aquatic realms
Baggerseen sind Refugien für die Artenvielfalt
Pragmatic animal welfare is independent of feelings
Behavioural and fitness effects of translocation to a novel environment: whole-lake experiments in two aquatic top predators
Knowledge gaps and management priorities for recreational fisheries in the developing world
Environmental determinants of perch (Perca fluviatilis) growth in gravel pit lakes and the relative performance of simple versus complex ecological predictors
Hook avoidance induced by private and social learning in common carp
Ecological and social constraints are key for voluntary investments into renewable natural resources
Insights into the users of a citizen science platform for collecting recreational fisheries data
Wisdom of stakeholder crowds in complex social-ecological systems
Preparing for a changing future in recreational fisheries: 100 research questions for global consideration emerging from a horizon scan
Behavioural adjustment of fish to temporal variation in fishing pressure affects catchability: an experiment with angled trout
Living waters: a research agenda for the biodiversity of inland and coastal waters
Bioökonomische Ansätze für ein nachhaltiges Management von wildlebenden Süßwasserfischen
Karpers volgen: waar zwemmen ze?
Bringt totes Holz Leben in den Baggersee?
Barsche zuppeln auf wissenschaftlich!
Wann ist ein Bestand überfischt?
Fischereigesetz Hamburg - wegweisend!
Das Jahr des Lachses
Fang Dir Deinen Hecht - auf wissenschaftlich!
Warum wir angeln
Das Bild vom Angler: wie die Öffentlichkeit über uns denkt
Wo schwimmen sie denn?
Socially induced stress and behavioural inhibition in response to angling exposure in rainbow trout
The value artificial lake ecosystems provide to recreational anglers: implications for management of biodiversity and outdoor recreation
Trade-offs in the adaptation towards hatchery and natural conditions drive survival, migration, and angling vulnerability in a territorial fish in the wild
Size-selective harvesting fosters adaptations in mating behaviour and reproductive allocation, affecting sexual selection in fish
Das Jahr des Lachses 2019 aus Sicht der Bevölkerung
Catch and non-catch-related determinants of where anglers fish: a review of three decades of site choice research in recreational fisheries
Searching for responsible and sustainable recreational fisheries in the Anthropocene
Der Lachs aus Sicht der Bevölkerung
Experimental size-selective harvesting behavioral types of a social fish
Managing river fish biodiversity generates substantial economic benefits in four European countries
Lystfiskeri langs kysten på fyn om foråret: fiskeindsats, fangster, demografi, adfærd og holdninger
(DTU Aqua-rapport ; 339)
A modelling approach to evaluate the impact of fish spatial behavioural types on fisheries stock assessment
Ecological, angler, and spatial heterogeneity drive social and ecological outcomes in an integrated landscape model of freshwater recreational fisheries
Governing the recreational dimension of global fisheries
Angling selects against active and stress-resilient phenotypes in rainbow trout
Welfare of aquatic animals: where things are, where they are going, and what it means for research, aquaculture, recreational angling, and commercial fishing
Public perception of river fish biodiversity in four European countries
The need to manage salmonid invasions in Europe to protect native biodiversity: SalmoInvade ; policy brief
Salmonid stocking in five North Atlantic jurisdictions: identifying drivers and barriers to policy change
Wirksamkeit von Fortbildungen zu Fischbesatz unter Anglern
Der Einheitsfang als praxisnahes Hilfsmittel zur Erfolgskontrolle von Hegemaßnahmen wie Besatz
How ecological processes shape the outcomes of stock enhancement and harvest regulations in recreational fisheries
StörBagger - ein neues Forschungsprojekt zur Wirkung von Anglern auf Natur und Umwelt
Relatively large males lower reproductive success in female zebrafish
Citizen science technologies and new opportunities for participation
Spearfishing modulates flight initiation distance of fishes: the effects of protection, individual size, and bearing a speargun
Fine-scale movement ecology of a freshwater top predator, Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis), in response to the abiotic environment over the course of a year
The underestimated dynamics and impacts of water-based recreational activities on freshwater ecosystems
Should we simulate mental models to assess whether they agree?
Stocking for pike population enhancement
Recreational piking - sustainably managing pike in recreational fisheries
Zarybianie - 10 zasad postepowania
The nexus of fun and nutrition: recreational fishing is also about food
Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis, spatial behaviour determines vulnerability independent of angler skill in a whole-lake reality mining experiment
Ecology, behaviour and management of the European catfish
Evolution of boldness and life history in response to selective harvesting
Size-dependent foraging niches of European Perch Perca fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758) and North American Yellow Perch Perca flavescens (Mitchill, 1814)
Typisierung von Angelvereinen in Bezug auf den Einsatz von Hegemaßnahmen
Wirksamkeit von Fortbildungen zu Fischbesatz unter Anglern
Revisiting the challenge of intentional value shift: reply to Ives and Fischer
Toward a mechanistic understanding of vulnerability to hook-and-line fishing: boldness as the basic target of angling-induced selection
Responses of larval zebrafish to low pH immersion assay: comment on Lopez-Luna et al.
Managing upper Lake Constance fishery in a multi-sector policy landscape: beneficiary and victim of a century of anthropogenic trophic change
Zustand, Entwicklung und Ertragspotenzial bestandskundlich erfasster europäischer Fischbestände im Nordostatlantik
What makes fish vulnerable to capture by hooks?: A conceptual framework and a review of key determinants
Rapid, broad-scale gene expression evolution in experimentally harvested fish populations
Nachhaltiges Management von Angelgewässern: ein Praxisleitfaden
Berichte des IGB / Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei; 30
Angling into the future: ten commandments for recreational fisheries science, management, and stewardship in a good anthropocene
Why social values cannot be changed for the sake of conservation
Fischbesatz: Experimente im Angelgewässer
Participatory adaptive management leads to environmental learning outcomes extending beyond the sphere of science
Besatzfisch - Geschichten von Fischen, Anglern und Forschern: oder: Warum Besatz nicht gleich Besatz ist
Urbanisierung, Wertewandel und die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz des Angelns
Fischereilicher Nutzen und gewässerökologische Auswirkungen des Besatzes mit Karpfen (Cyprinus carpio) in stehenden Gewässern: Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen aktueller Ganzseeexperimente und Meta-Analysen
Fischbesatz: 10 Regeln, auf die man beim Fischbesatz achten sollte
Problems with equating thermal preference with 'emotional fever' and sentience: comment on 'Fish can show emotional fever: stress-induced hyperthermia in zebrafish' by Rey et al. (2015)
Fast-slow life history is correlated with individual differences in movements and prey selection in an aquatic predator in the wild
Consequences of oral lure retention on the physiology and behaviour of adult northern pike (Esox lucius L.)
Determinants of angling catch of northern pike (Esox lucius) as revealed by a controlled whole-lake catch-and-release angling experiment
Understanding and managing freshwater recreational fisheries as complex adaptive social-ecological systems
Insects cannot tell us anything about subjective experience or the origin of consciousness
Hechtbesatz in natürliche reproduzierende Hechtbestände: sinnvolle Strategie oder vergebene Liebesmüh?
Genetische Vielfalt von Zander- und Hechtpopulationen in Deutschland: Schlussfolgerungen für die nachhaltige fischereiliche Hege durch Besatz
Anglern in Nordostdeutschland wissenschaftlich auf der Spur
Anglern in Nordostdeutschland wissenschaftlich auf der Spur
Angeln, Verstädterung und Angeltourismus - neue Studien bieten Anregungen
Angeln, Verstädterung und Angeltourismus - neue Studien bieten Anregungen
Einfluss verschiedener Faktoren auf die anglerische Fangbarkeit von Hechten (Esox lucius)
Fischbesatz in der organisierten deutschen Angelfischerei: Gesamtumfang, besetzte Arten und prototypische Herkunftswege
Fast and behavior-selective exploitation of a marine fish targeted by anglers
Fischereimanagement am Bodensee-Obersee in einem mehrschichtigen Umfeld: Gewinner und Verlierer in einem Jahrhundert geprägt von menschlich verursachten Trophieschwankungen
Charakterisierung und Perspektiven der Angelfischerei in Norddeutschland
10 Regeln für den Fischbesatz
Recommendations for the future of recreational fisheries to prepare the social-ecological system to cope with change
Body length rather than routine metabolic rate and body condition correlates with activity and risk-taking in juvenile zebrafish Danio rerio
Hechtbestandsmanagement in der Angelfischerei - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Hege über Besatz, Habitatmanagement und veränderte Fang- und Entnahmebestimmungen
Einflussfaktoren auf die anglerische Fangbarkeit von Hechten (Esox lucius)
Altered trait variability in response to size-selective mortality
Experimente im Angelgewässer
Passive gear-induced timidity syndrome in wild fish populations and its potential ecological and managerial implications
Ufergebundene Fischartenvielfalt fischereilich gehegter Baggerseen im Vergleich zu eiszeitlich entstandenen Naturseen in Norddeutschland
Einheitsfanganalysen als praxisnahes Hilfsmittel zur Abschätzung der Fischbestandsentwicklung in Binnengewässern
On the sustainability of inland fisheries
Behaviour in a standardized assay, but not metabolic or4 growth rate, predicts behavioural variation in an adult aquatic top predator Esox lucius in the wild
Sustainable inland fisheries - perspectives from the recreational, commercial and subsistence sectors from around the globe
Behaviour-mediated alteration of positively size-dependent vulnerability to angling in response to historical fishing pressure in a freshwater salmonid
Efficacy of lecture-based environmental education for biodiversity conservation
Consumptive tourism causes timidity, rather than boldness, syndromes
Management of freshwater fisheries
Recreational fisheries in inland waters
Das Einsetzen von Kannibalen lohnt sich nicht
Pfiffige Fische rund um Mallorca - und die Fischer gucken in die Röhre bzw. auf die regungslose Pose
Obituary Dr. Wolfgang Haider (1953-2015)
The structure and function of angler mental models about fish population ecology
Locomotor activity patterns of muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) assessed using tri-axial acceleration sensing acoustic transmitters
Characteristics, emerging needs, and challenges of transdisciplinary sustainability science
Fisheries-induced evolution in Largemouth Bass
The evolutionary legacy of size-selective harvesting extends from genes to populations
Performance assessment of two whole-lake acoustic positional telemetry systems
Effectively managing angler satisfaction in recreational fisheries understanding the fish species and the anglers
Recreational angling intensity correlates with alteration of vulnerability to fishing in a carnivorous coastal fish species
Optimal management of recreational fisheries in the presence of hooking mortality and noncompliance - predictions from a bioeconomic model incorporating a mechanistic model of angler behavior
Rethinking length-based fisheries regulations
Explaining participation rates in recreational fishing across industrialised countries
Hand in Hand für nachhaltigen Fischbesatz
Species-specific preferences of German recreational anglers for freshwater fishing experiences, with emphasis on the intrinsic utilities of fish stocking and wild fishes
Absence of handling-induced Saprolegnia infection in juvenile rainbow trout with implications for catch-and-release angling
Where the waters meet
Natural recruitment, density-dependent juvenile survival, and the potential for additive effects of stock enhancement
Explaining anti-angling sentiments in the general population of Germany
Not fish, not meat
Consistent size-independent harvest selection on fish body shape in two recreationally exploited marine species
Managing people
Population differentiation of zander (Sander lucioperca) across native and newly colonized ranges suggests increasing admixture in the course of an invasion
Selective exploitation of spatially structured coastal fish populations by recreational anglers may lead to evolutionary downsizing of adults
Impacts of external and surgery-based tagging techniques on small Northern Pike under field conditions
Consequences of air exposure on the physiology and behavior of caught-and-released Common Carp in the laboratory and under natural conditions
Application of the SES framework for model-based analysis of the dynamics of social-ecological systems
Evolutionary impact assessment
Can fish really feel pain?
Empfinden Fische Schmerzen?
Erfassung und Visualisierung der Gewässerstruktur (Tiefe und Unterwasserpflanzen) in Bezug zur Habitatwahl von Hechten (Esox lucius) in einem natürlichen See
Unexpectedly high catch-and-release rates in European marine recreational fisheries
Fish life history, angler behaviour and optimal management of recreational fisheries
Voluntary institutions and behaviours as alternatives to formal regulations in recreational fisheries management
Reality mining of animal social systems
Can fisheries-induced evolution shift reference points for fisheries management?
Evaluating the ability of specialization indicators to explain fishing preferences
Explaining recreational angling catch rates of Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis
Normative considerations for recreational fishery management
Communication between scientists, fishery managers and recreational fishers
Dynamic angling effort influences the value of minimum-length limits to prevent recruitment overfishing
The physiological consequences of catch-and-release angling
Impacts of domestication on angling vulnerability of common carp, Cyprinus carpio
Voluntary angler logbooks reveal long-term changes in a lentic pike, Esox lucius, population
Illustrating the critical role of human dimensions research for understanding and managing recreational fisheries within a social-ecological system framework
Towards resilient recreational fisheries on a global scale through improved understanding of fish and fisher behaviour
Wisdom of the crowd and natural resource management
Impacts of partial marine protected areas on coastal fish communities exploited by recreational angling
Der Hecht im Küchenfenster
Welse und Karpfen sind sehr robust
Anglerwissen aus der Forschung
Die Sache mit dem Karpfensack
Auch Karpfen haben eine Persönlichkeit - zeigen das aber nur in gefährlichen Situationen
Standardizing selection strengths to study selection in the wild
Recreational fishing selectively captures individuals with the highest fitness potential
Largemouth bass selected for differential vulnerability to angling exhibit similar routine locomotory activity in experimental ponds
The relationship between personal commitment to angling and the opinions and attitudes of German anglers towards the conservation and management of the European eel Anguilla anguilla
The role of ecological context and predation risk-stimuli in revealing the true picture about the genetic basis of boldness evolution in fish
Benefits and risks of adopting the global code of practice for recreational fisheries
The impact of catch-and-release on the foraging behaviour of pike (Esox lucius) when released alone or into groups
Paternal body size affects reproductive success in laboratory-held zebrafish (Danio rerio)
New horizons for managing the environment
Five ethical challenges to recreational fishing
A telephone-diary-mail approach to survey recreational fisheries on large geographic scales, with a note on annual landings estimates by anglers in Northern Germany
A property rights-based view on management of inland recreational fisheries
Determinants of hooking mortality in freshwater recreational fisheries
Opinions of fisheries researchers, managers, and anglers towards recreational fishing issues
Dispersal, growth, and diet of stocked and wild northern pike fry in a shallow natural lake, with implications for the management of stocking programs
The importance of trip context for determining promary angler motivation
Behavioural and fitness consequences of direct and indirect non-lethal disturbances in a catch-and-release northern pike (Esox lucius) fishery
The effects of regional angling effort, angler behavior, and harvesting efficiency on landscape patterns of overfishing
Perspectives from early career researchers on the publication process in ecology - a response to Statzner & Resh (2010)
Social-ecological interactions, management panaceas, and the future of wild fish populations
Ecosystem approach to inland fisheries
Decline in angler use despite increased catch rates
Assessing an adaptive cycle in a social system under external pressure to change
The consequences of short-term cortisol elevation on individual physiology and growth rate in wild largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)
Experimental assessment of the probabilistic maturation reaction norm
Benefits and constraints of outdoor recreation for people with physical disabilities
The metabolic and biochemical basis of vulnerability to recreational angling after three generations of angling-induced selection in a teleost fish
Seasonal carryover effects following the administration of cortisol to a wild teleost fish
Understanding the cognitive basis for human-wildlife relationships as a key to succesful protected-area management
Diversity and complexity of angler behaviour drive socially optimal input and output regulations in a bioeconomic recreational-fisheries model
Size-dependent reproductive success of wild zebrafish Danio rerio in the laboratory
Abiotic and fishing-related correlates of angling catch rates in pike (Esox lucius)
Harmonizing recreational fisheries and conservation objectives for aquatic biodiversity in inland waters
The conservation and fishery benefits of protecting large pike (Esox lucius L.) by harvest regulations in recreational fishing
Providing context to the global code of practice for recrearional fisheries
Winners and losers of conservation policies for European eel, Anguilla anguilla
Contrasting pragmatic and suffering-centred approaches to fish welfare in recreational angling
Recreational fisheries
Using a novel survey technique to predict fisheries stakeholders' support for European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) conservation programs
Stress and parental care in a wild teleost fish
Die Stellung der Sozialwissenschaften in der deutschen Binnenfischereiforschung
Angelbegeisterung und anglerische Fischerträge in Binnen- und Küstengewässern Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Aals (Anguilla anguilla)
Grad der Unterstützung für integrierte Aalmanagementpläne durch Angler in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Gewinner und Verlierer geänderter Aalfangbestimmungen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Coexistence of behavioural types in an aquatic top predator
Are we doing all we can to stem the tide of illegal fish stocking?
Quantifying selection differentials caused by recreational fishing
Life-history traits and energetic status in relation to vulnerability to angling in an experimentally selected teleost fish
Physiological and behavioural consequences of catch-and-release angling on northern pike (Esox lucius L.)
New markets for recreational fishing
Die Angelfischerei und ihre Stellung in der Gesellschaft
The role of fisheries-induced evolution - response
Biological impacts of recreational fishing resulting from exploitation, stocking and introduction
The challenge of ethical angling
Legislative treatment and current status of competitive fishing in Germany
Recreational fisheries in the twenty-first century
The social, economic and ecological importance of recreational fishing in Germany
Meaning and relevance of the ecosystem approach to recreational fisheries management
The social and economic significance of recreational fishing in Germany
Differences between organized and nonorganized anglers in an urban environment (Berlin, Germany) and the social capital of angler organizations
Social barriers to sustainable recreational fisheries management under quasicommon property fishing rights regime
Größenselektive Angelfischerei und ihre möglichen populationsdynamischen Auswirkungen
Behaviour and survival of pike, Esox lucius, with a retained lure in the lower jaw
The past, present and future role of limnology in freshwater fisheries science
Engaging recreational fishers in management and conservation
Exploitation of specialised fisheries resources
Site fidelity and seasonal changes in activity centre size of female pike Esox lucius in a small lake
Physiology, behavior, and survival of angled and air-exposed largemouth bass
Size selectivity, injury, handling time, and determinants of initial hooking mortality in recreational angling for northern pike
Contrasting pike (Esox lucius L.) movement and habitat choice between summer and winter in a small lake
A behavioral perspective on fishing-induced evolution
Acute toxicity of preservative chemicals in organic baits used in carp, Cyprinus carpio, recreational fishing
Understanding the complexity of catch-and-release in recretional fishing
Effects of air exposure on mortality and growth of undersized pikeperch, Sander lucioperca, at low water temperatures with implications for catch-and-release fishing
Voluntary catch-and-release can generate conflict within the recreational angling community
Auf Wiedersehen!
Die Bedeutung der Angelfischerei in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der zurückgehenden Ressource Aal
Auswirkungen des Fangen-und-Zurücksetzens auf in Deutschland heimische Fischarten sowie deren nahe Verwandte
Managing evolving fish stocks
Collective choice on different spatial levels and over time
Die Bedeutung großer Tiere im Fischereimanagement
Dokumentierte und vermutete biologische Auswirkungen einer intensiven Angelfischerei und Ausblick für das Management
Understanding recreational angling participation in Germany
Documented and potential biological impacts of recreational fishing
On the apparently striking disconnect between motivation and satisfaction in recreational fishing
Overcoming human obstacles to conservation of recreational fishery resources, with emphasis on central Europe
Der Mensch als Schlüsselfaktor beim nachhaltigen Management in der Angelfischerei
Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Fische und Neunaugen (Pisces et Cyclostomata) von Berlin
Die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung der Freizeitfischerei in Deutschland aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht und Ausblick in die Zukunft
A conceptual framework to identify and understand conflicts in recreational fisheries systems, with implications for sustainable management
Determinants of management preferences of recreational anglers in Germany
Global impact of recreational fisheries
Der Mensch als Schlüsselfaktor beim nachhaltigen Management in der Angelfischerei
Nutrient digestibility of angling baits for carp, Cyprinus carpio, with implications for groundbait formulation and eutrophication control
Catch & [and] Release
Können fischereiliche Ressourcen genutzt und gleichzeitig geschützt werden oder schließt Nutzung einen effektiven Schutz aus?
A model of navigation-induced currents in inland waterways and implications for juvenile fish displacement
Rehabilitation of urban lake fisheries for angling by managing habitat
How to link biomanipulation and sustainable fisheries management
Vergessene Schätze
Gedanken zur Notwendigkeit des gemeinsamen Erhaltes der Landwirtschaftlich-Gärtnerischen Fakultät und des fischereilichen Masterstudienganges in Berlin
Nachhaltiges Angelfischereimanagement in anthropogen degradierten Gewässern
Coupling insights from a carp, Cyprinus carpio, angler survey with feeding experiments to evaluate composition, quality and phosphorus input of groundbait in coarse fishing
A management-orientated comparative analysis of urban and rural anglers living in a metropolis (Berlin, Germany)
Testing the reliability and construct validity of a simple and inexpensive procedure to measure the use value of recreational fishing
Characteristics of anglers living in the metropolitan area of Berlin (Germany)
Argumente für "Catch & Release" bei der Angelfischerei in Deutschland
Entwicklungstrends der internationalen Angelfischereiforschung und deren Relevanz für Deutschland
Navigation impacts on freshwater fish assemblages
Über die Anglervielfalt und die Notwendigkeit detaillierter Studien zur Angelfischerei in Deutschland
Amplitude of ecological potential
Digestibility measurements in juvenile tench [Tinca tinca (L.)] by using a continuous filtration device for fish faeces
Management preferences of urban anglers
Die Petersen Methode
Fischerei im Spree-Einzugsgebiet früher und heute
Der Einfluss des Schiffsverkehrs auf die hydraulischen Verhältnisse in ufernahen Habitaten von Wasserstraßen
Einfluss des Binnenfischereimanagements auf die Süßwasserökosysteme
Pro und Contra, Anfüttern oder der Einfluss des Angelfutters auf das Fischwachstum
Das Millionengeschäft Karpfenangeln
Ist das Karpfenangeln noch zu retten?
Fish recruitment in a canal with intensive navigation
Reconciling traditional inland fisheries management and sustainability in industrialized countries, with emphasis on Europe
Anfüttern : richtig angefüttert und die schwersten eines Gewässers beissen zuerst!
Die Debatte um Nachhaltigkeit - Notwendigkeit und Chance für die deutsche Binnenfischerei
Neustrukturierung des Berliner fischereilichen Diplom-Studienganges
Untersuchung des Jungfischaufkommens im Oder-Havel-Kanal unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Blocksteinschüttungen
Was unterscheidet auf Karpfen angelnde Boilieangler vom "Durchschnittsangler"?
Lab Website - IFishMan
Our lab website that is kept up to date and that has all scientific and non-scientific information and a full publication list can be found here: https://www.ifishman.de/.